Conference Chairman's thoughts As the Chairman of the IMEC Conference, I reflect on the remarkable Conference we hosted in March earlier this year, centred around the theme "Shipping and Seafarers - The Next 30 Years". The context surrounding the start of the conference was truly significant, as it highlighted the unwavering importance of seafarers continuing to operate throughout the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the global turmoil, our industry's resilience shone brightly as ships kept moving, ensuring the steady flow of essential goods and vital supplies worldwide. One of the most enjoyable and fulfilling aspects of the conference was witnessing everyone come together in person, rather than virtually, after a prolonged period of separation. The sense of camaraderie and shared purpose for a sustainable and prosperous maritime future showed in the ten very concrete key findings of the conference which you find on page 16 of this booklet. IMECCON Chairman Max Johns – Hamburg School of Business Administration During our discussions, we emphasized the urgent need to bring maritime to the forefront of public awareness and understanding. Tackling the issue of "seablindness" became a focal point, as we recognized the crucial role of the maritime industry in global trade and its impact on economies worldwide. By raising awareness and promoting understanding, we aim to garner greater support and appreciation for the critical work of seafarers and the maritime community as a whole. In conclusion, the IMEC-hosted Conference was the pinnacle of the last decade’s efforts to shape a new outlook of the maritime future for employers, seafarers, and the entire industry where IMEC has played such a crucial role. It not only celebrated the resilience during the pandemic but also rekindled the spirit of unity and collaboration among maritime professionals. With our collective determination, we are poised to steer the industry toward a brighter, more inclusive, and technologically advanced future. 1

Conference Takeaways As I reflect on the incredibly productive conference, we recently hosted at IMEC, I am struck by the paramount importance of the crossroads at which the maritime industry currently stands. The event provided a platform to consider the profound technological changes ahead and the imperative upskilling necessary to navigate this transformative era. Throughout the conference, it was evident that our unwavering focus remains on putting seafarers first. They are the resilient men and women who work tirelessly onboard our ships, forming the backbone of our entire industry. Their well-being, safety, and professional development are at the heart of our endeavours. The panel sessions and conference attendees contributed an array of valuable insights that IMEC is eager to champion and progress. Among these critical points is the urgency to embrace diversity and equality, ensuring an inclusive environment that welcomes talent from all backgrounds. Moreover, the conference emphasized the need to understand and develop strategies for upskilling and training both existing and upcoming seafarers to equip them with the new skills required in the future, particularly in areas of decarbonization and digitization. As we forge ahead, embracing these learnings, we are poised to steer the maritime industry toward a future that values innovation, sustainability, and, above all, the well-being of our dedicated seafarers. The journey ahead requires collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders to support our seafarers, ensuring that their safety and well-being remain at the centre of everything we do. At IMEC, we eagerly look forward to being a part of the positive change necessary over the next 30 years, creating a brighter and more prosperous future for the maritime industry and its invaluable workforce. Capt. Belal Ahmed – IMEC Chairman 2

Morning Session 1: Contextualising Leadership Challenges in Crewing Putting the Labour Market into Context At the IMEC Conference earlier this year, the maritime labour market was a key focal point of discussion. The industry faces the challenge of becoming more competitive with other sectors due to a growing shortfall of officers at sea. Presentations emphasized the need for increased collaboration to address this issue effectively. While promoting gender diversity was acknowledged as crucial, it was also recognized that simply bringing more women Martin Dixon – Drewry Group into the industry would not serve as a standalone solution. The conference called for a holistic approach, emphasizing collaborative efforts and strategic planning to bolster the maritime workforce and enhance its competitiveness in the face of evolving demands. The Spirit of Cooperation – Panel Session Chaired by Max Johns – Panellists: Belal Ahmed – IMEC, Stephen Cotton – ITF, Helio Vicente - ICS The Panel Session highlighted the recent Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IMEC, ICS, and ITF and how it has proven to be a powerful collaboration that strengthens cooperation among the three bodies. This partnership's success was particularly evident during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic when they worked together efficiently to manage the repatriation of seafarers across the globe, ensuring their safety and well-being. Building on this fruitful cooperation, the tripartite alliance has continued to work proactively to address critical issues facing the maritime industry. A notable recent endeavour involves their involvement in pushing for more effective regulation of ambulance chasing in the Philippines. 3

Morning Session 2: Encouraging a Career for All The Voice of the Seafarers – Panel Session Chaired by IMEC CEO Francesco Gargiulo – Panellists: Aleksandrs Natalcenko – V-Ships, Juri Vainu – V-Ships, Ms. Olha Lunina – Cadet Oldendorff/ASP CMS, Mr. Denver Morin – Cadet, IMEC MAAP Programme The panel session that highlighted the voice of the seafarers proved to be a deeply insightful and eyeopening discussion. The panel comprised a diverse representation, featuring a seasoned Master Mariner, an experienced Chief Engineer, and two enthusiastic cadets, together, they provided valuable perspectives on the current state of affairs for those at sea and those about to embark on their careers in the maritime industry. When asked about the industry's support for seafarers, several common themes emerged. Internet improvement was a prevalent concern, as access to reliable and efficient communication remains a vital aspect of seafarers' well-being and connectivity with loved ones ashore. Salary increase was another crucial point raised, as fair compensation is instrumental in motivating and retaining skilled professionals. Strengthening soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability, was also deemed essential to enhance overall job satisfaction and efficiency. 4

Overall, the resounding message from the panel was that the maritime industry can do more to support both existing seafarers and cadets entering the industry. By addressing crucial issues such as internet access, fair compensation, a sense of belonging, and continuous training on future technologies, the industry can foster a more supportive and promising environment for its valued workforce. The panel session served as a compelling call to action, urging the industry to invest in its human capital and ensure a prosperous future for all those who call the sea their home. The panel discussion further shed light on the issue of training and preparedness for future technologies. Surprisingly, it was revealed that training on future industry technologies had been slow to non-existent in some cases. One of the cadets, M.s Olha, expressed that her academy had not provided any additional learning material in this respect, raising concerns about the industry's readiness for the inevitable technological advancements. On the topic of decarbonization and other future technologies, the response was overwhelmingly positive. The panel and seafarers alike expressed unwavering confidence in their ability to tackle any challenges thrown their way. Throughout history, seafarers have demonstrated adaptability and resilience, and they are more than willing to embrace and excel in the face of transformative changes. 5

Encouraging Diversity Onboard – Panel Session Chaired by Deputy Head of Training Chloe Esdaile – Panellists: Pete Gracey – Co-Founder of InterEngineering, Aubrey Mae Antonio – Cadet, IMEC MAAP Programme, Heather Enness – Master, Stena Drilling, Heidi Heseltine – Founder, Diversity Study Group Ltd, Danny McGowan – Nautilus International. The panel session titled "Encouraging Diversity Onboard" at the conference was a significant and thought-provoking discussion that addressed the pressing issue of gender diversity in the maritime industry. The backdrop of the conference wall, featuring quotes and comments on the failures and negative connotations of sexual harassment and abuses towards women in maritime, highlighted the urgency to tackle the lack of diversity head-on. During the session, one of the panelists shed light on the industry's fear of facing the barriers diversity presents, urging shipping companies to take more proactive steps in setting and achieving diversity goals for the maritime sector. Another panelist emphasized the need to move beyond catchy slogans and hashtags to popularize the diversity message, stressing the importance of impactful actions. On the question of collective actions, several themes emerged. 6

First, the urgent need for more awareness and normalization of diversity was highlighted to dispel fear and promote an inclusive environment. Second, it was underscored that the industry must continue and amplify its efforts in providing support and resources for diverse talents. Creating greater networking opportunities to connect seafarers with shoreside staff was proposed as a means to foster cohesion and understanding around the importance of diversity. Flexibility was deemed critical to empowering seafarers, with respect to sea time and possible rotation options, by offering more flexible working arrangements, the pool of available personnel willing to work at sea could significantly expand, promoting diversity organically. To achieve this, focus groups were suggested, where shipping companies engage with their seafarers, asking them what they would like to do instead of simply prescribing their rotations. In conclusion, the panel session showcased the industry's commitment to fostering diversity onboard. By tackling the barriers, raising awareness, normalizing diversity, and implementing impactful actions, the maritime industry can progress towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for all seafarers, regardless of gender or background. With collective efforts and an open mindset, the industry can pave the way for positive change and create a stronger, more diverse workforce in maritime. 7

Some Pictures from the event 8


Afternoon Session 3: The Future of Maritime Technology Mayflower Project During the conference, James Sutton delivered a fascinating presentation on the groundbreaking Mayflower Project. The project involved constructing a fully autonomous crewless, fullsized ship with the capability to independently navigate oceans. At the heart of the innovation was the creation of an AI captain capable of processing real-time data and making informed decisions, even in the absence of network connectivity. James shared valuable lessons learned during the project's development and provided intricate technical insights into the vessel's construction, which included scientific measuring equipment to support ocean data capturing for scientific research purposes. The Mayflower Project stands as a pioneering endeavour, pushing the boundaries of maritime technology and autonomy. James Sutton - IBM 10

Ensuring Innovations Enhance and Not Disrupt Labour – Panel Session Chaired by Head of Training Rob Gale – Panellists: Capt. Faouzi Fradi – Columbia Ship Management, George Pitaoulis – Nakilat, Jacqueline Smith – ITF, Hans-Christoph Burmeister – Centre for Maritime Logistics and Services The panel session titled "Ensuring Innovations Enhance and Not Disrupt Labor" brought forth dynamic insights into the integration of cutting-edge technologies within the maritime industry. The session commenced with an engaging question posed by the host: "What is the biggest technology disruption facing the maritime industry today?" The audience's response through Slido highlighted Connectivity, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Decarbonization as the most pressing themes, reflecting the industry's current challenges and advancements. The panellists, representing diverse perspectives, provided their insights on how to navigate this evolving landscape. From an industry standpoint, there was a clear consensus on the importance of investing in these technologies. However, emphasis was placed on meaningful engagement between manufacturers, industry stakeholders, and seafarers who will ultimately use the new equipment. Ensuring thorough preparation and training for seafarers emerged as a vital consideration. The role of unions in safeguarding workers from displacement due to technological advancements was a key discussion point. Communication and education emerged as vital strategies to convey that disruptive technologies aim to improve onboard conditions and workloads rather than replace seafarers. The vision is that new technologies will automate mundane and hazardous tasks, allowing seafarers to focus on tasks that require critical thinking and human intervention. 11

Looking ahead to the next 30 years, the panel emphasized the necessity for increased training providers to address upskilling needs. The importance of involving seafarers in decision-making processes and the recognition of operational as well as practical aspects when implementing new technologies were highlighted as crucial factors. As the maritime industry evolves, collaboration, informed decision-making, and a commitment to enhancing the lives of seafarers remain at the forefront of sustainable progress. MASS – The Readiness of Maritime Education and Training Capt. Zakirul Bhuiyan – Warsash Maritime Academy Zakirul shed light on the readiness of maritime education and training for this emerging sector, offering valuable insights into a rapidly developing industry projected to be worth $11 billion US dollars by 2030, employing around 554,000 professionals. His update encompassed the latest regulatory and industry advancements, along with crucial information about test beds for MASS. Of significant importance was the focus on addressing the training gap in this rapidly evolving field. Zakirul elaborated on initiatives aimed at enhancing training for autonomous vessel operations, which historically has been lacking. He spotlighted his university's projects, particularly IGNITE (Intelligent Ship Centre), where the campus's Full Mission Bridge simulators were utilized to remotely operate manned models on the model lake in Southampton. This integration of technology and training is poised to revolutionize the way seafarers are prepared for the maritime autonomy era. Furthermore, Zakirul underlined the establishment of the Warsash MASS Research Centre at Warsash Maritime Academy. This centre’s dedication to maritime research for autonomous vessels he hopes will be instrumental in assisting with the shaping of a regulatory framework to guide the responsible development and integration of autonomous shipping. 12

Drones, Vessels and Bunkering Peter Stirratt – Skyports Drone Services In the final session of the conference, Peter Stirratt's presentation on "Drones, Vessels, and Bunkering" encapsulated the cutting-edge technologies and themes discussed throughout the event. Peter provided an overview of the role of drones in maritime operations, highlighting their versatility in complex operating environments. Peter delved into the comprehensive range of services offered by his organization, presenting an allin-one solution for various industry needs. From short to mid and long-range delivery of payloads ranging from 10kg to 50kg, asset and corridor mapping, to onshore and long-range maritime surveillance, the possibilities of drone deployment were thoroughly explored. Peter emphasized the potential for these technologies to enhance operational efficiency, increase speed, and reduce costs. Afternoon Session 4: Learning from Aviation Intriguingly, Peter highlighted successful case studies in Singapore involving IMEC members OSM-Thome and Wilhelmsen. The utilization of drones for maritime surveillance and inspection underscores their real-world impact and potential to transform traditional maritime operations. Overall, Peter's presentation encapsulated the dynamic synergy between new technologies like drones and the maritime industry's evolving landscape. His insights underscored the industry's pursuit of innovative solutions, marking a fitting conclusion to a conference that embraced the transformative power of technological advancement. 13

Heather's talk emphasized the vital role of not only the cockpit staff but also the entire cabin crew in ensuring overall safety. A notable concept discussed was the potential transition from Crew Resource Management to Collaborative Resource Management, which extends its focus beyond the vessel's confines. This approach seeks to tap into external resources to problem-solve and support, aligning with the industry's ongoing commitment to comprehensive safety and teamwork. One intriguing contrast between aviation and maritime lies in the heavy use of simulator training in aviation, which dominates training experiences. In contrast, maritime simulator training plays a comparatively smaller role. This distinction offers potential insights for the maritime sector to leverage the benefits of simulator-based training more extensively. Heather concluded by sharing valuable lessons from aviation, highlighting the potential for accelerated learning and implementation in the maritime industry. Her presentation served as a bridge between these two industries, offering cross-disciplinary insights that have the potential to drive positive change, enhance safety, and promote effective resource management in maritime operations. Insights from Aviation – How Crew Resource Management, Human Factors and Simulation are evolving Heather Hillier – Former Captain in the Airline Industry Heather Hillier's presentation was a captivating highlight that drew parallels between Crew Resource Management (CRM) in aviation and Bridge Team Management (BTM) in the maritime industry. The session offered a wealth of insightful examples demonstrating how aviation events have led to improved crew management and communication onboard aircraft. 14

The final presentation of the day was delivered by Paul Fairbrother, who also delved into the lessons drawn from aviation, particularly focusing on enhancing human performance. He underscored the close parallels between aviation and maritime behaviours, highlighting shared elements in teaching practices. Paul emphasized the regulatory involvement in aviation, where the regulator's authority ranges from stopping operations to overseeing safety controls through accountable managers. Aviation's regulatory framework features a comprehensive range of controls that standardise various aspects of flying, such as cockpit layout and alarm systems. A key insight drawn from aviation was the necessity for ongoing scenario-based training as a component of continuous professional development for airline pilots. This need for refreshment, often conducted in simulators, particularly stood out when transitioning between different aircraft types, each necessitating separate training for proficiency. Paul further explored the concept of Crew Resource Management, outlining its integration within the hub-and-spoke design to optimize the skill sets of trainees. His presentation highlighted the shared values and practices between aviation and maritime, illuminating opportunities for mutual learning and growth in optimizing human performance across both industries. Insight from Aviation – Enhancing Safety in Maritime Paul Fairbrother – CAE 15

IMECCON2023 Action Points In conclusion, the IMEC-hosted conference proved to be an invaluable platform for addressing the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the maritime industry. From discussions on "Shipping and Seafarers - The Next 30 Years" to exploring diversity, innovation, and autonomy, several key action points emerged: Investment in Seafarer Well-being: Prioritize the well-being, safety, and professional development of seafarers, recognizing their integral role as the industry's backbone. Enhanced Training and Upskilling: Develop robust training programs to prepare seafarers for the influx of emerging technologies, ensuring their readiness and comfort with automation and digitalization. Gender Diversity and Equality: Foster a more inclusive maritime environment by promoting gender diversity and equality, emphasizing that diversity benefits the entire industry. Collaboration in Innovation: Facilitate collaboration between manufacturers, industry stakeholders, and seafarers to ensure technology integration is seamless and userfriendly, enhancing operational efficiency. Effective Communications: Utilize effective communication and education strategies to convey that disruptive technologies are designed to improve conditions and workloads, not replace seafarers. Investment in Maritime Autonomy: Promote investment and research in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) to harness the potential of autonomous vessels while ensuring a skilled workforce. Learning from Aviation: Learn from aviation's experiences in Crew Resource Management (CRM) to promote collaborative resource management, embracing external resources to support problem-solving. Simulator-Based Training: Explore the benefits of simulator-based training, leveraging the success of aviation's simulator-based scenario training for effective maritime skill development. Future-Proofing Workforce: Anticipate the industry's evolving demands by involving seafarers in decision-making and considering operational practicalities while implementing new technologies. By collectively pursuing these action points, the maritime industry is poised to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities of the future, steering towards a more inclusive, innovative, and sustainable maritime ecosystem over the next 30 years. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 16

Acknowledgements IMEC would like to acknowledge the following parties for their involvement in IMECCON 23 Hilton – The Ageas Bowl for their hospitality during the event AV Support – All Parties and Events Videographers – Gilrei Video Photographer – Lightbox Studios Printers - Footprint To the following, for providing chairmanship, presenters and panelists Hamburg School of Business Administration Drewry Group The International Transport Federation (ITF) The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) V-Ships Olderndorff Carriers/ASP Crew Management Services InterEngineering The Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific Diversity Study Group Ltd Nautilus International IBM Columbia Ship Management Nakilat Fraunhofer-Center for Maritime Logistics and Services (CML) Warsash Maritime Academy Skyports Drone Services CAE From the whole team at IMEC thank you for being part of IMECCON 2023! Stay updated with the latest information on IMEC activities by following IMEC on our social media platforms!

International Maritime Employers' Council Ltd. 2 Turnberry House The Links, Solent Business Park Whiteley, Fareham Hampshire, PO15FJ +44 (0) 20 7702 9138 Prepared By: Rob Gale Designed by: Charmaine B. Repollo