THE NEXT STEPS Right: This diagram illustrates a suggestion on the shape and governance which Kendal Futures could adopt, based on the “Next Steps” discussion held during the hands-on planning exercise on Saturday 5th October 2019. It is intended as an initial thought only. It is recognised that central to ensuring meaningful change can happen is communication, liaison, support between individuals and businesses, and listening to young people. The process has identified the central role the people and local businesses must make in delivering change. The public workshops were well supported by local representatives from SLDC, the Town Council, Cumbria County Council, the LEP, Kendal BID and many other key partners. The purpose of this Vision is to identify the scale of challenges for Kendal, the changes needed and local people’s aspirations for the town. Certainly, quality and affordable housing close to the town centre is essential. The proposed northern access route (making possible radical alteration to traffic management in the centre) must also be delivered. Throughout the process it was recognised that high quality public realm will make a dramatic and long lasting difference to the town centre, catalysing further investment. This was a key aspiration and will encourage everyone to feel differently about - and prouder of - their town. Perhaps the biggest question is about momentum and how to take this Vision forward. Kendal Futures is well placed to coordinate and lead the partnerships it has made with the Town Council, SLDC, Cumbria County Council and local businesses. Kendal Futures must provide a bridge between the individual initiatives to ensure they collectively align with the Vision. KENDAL VISION 2020 | THE NEXT STEPS 102