“If this was a French town the river would be flowing with flowers and it would be the hub of the town!” RIVER KENT QUOTE FROM WORKSHOP PARTICIPANT (OCTOBER 2019) The River Kent is an important feature running through the heart of Kendal. Historically, the river was a major focus. Central to industry, it established the grain of the town through the lanes and ginnels, which reached towards its banks. Today, this connection is severed in places and the river is blighted by fast moving traffic hugging its banks. There is great potential to re-establish these connections, restore the river in the heart of the town and link facilities on both banks, including Abbot Hall and those at Canal Head. The Environment Agency flood defence scheme, soon to be implemented, still requires the details to be approved. This is an opportunity to ensure the scheme maximises wider benefits to the town centre. Other upstream management measures, including flood storage, tree planting and re-profiling, which will ensure the flood defence is effective; are supported and should be brought forward to benefit the town and the environment. The river is at the heart of the town, to be glimpsed, contemplated, and utilised as a movement corridor for walking, cycling and enjoyment. Flooding must be mitigated to protect Kendal’s people and property. However, the River Kent’s setting and value, and our connection to it, must also be retained. 3 THEME PRINCIPLE KENDAL VISION 2020 | THE VISION 29