“We should get more people walking and cycling, so there’s far fewer cars.” BIKES. BUSES & TRAINS QUOTE FROM WORKSHOP PARTICIPANT (OCTOBER 2019) Most people are frustrated by the high cost and inadequacy of public transport. Some teenagers use bikes to get to school, but the cycle network is not adequate. Many said they would like to travel more sustainably, but poor cycle provision, unreliable buses and trains, and high fares lead most to continue using cars. There is a need for improvement to, and better promotion of, the train service, including the route to Windermere, which would encourage tourists to visit and stay in Kendal. Promoting walking and cycling through the provision of an affordable and convenient public bus and rail offer will alleviate car dependency and contribute to a healthier, more desirable town. A comprehensive review of bus services, routes, prices and frequency is needed to provide a sustainable and well-used service in the future. A new public transport hub at the railway station, linking with buses, bicycles and E-bikes would encourage more sustainable travel. 6 THEME PRINCIPLE KENDAL VISION 2020 | THE VISION 35