OPPORTUNITY AREAS HALLGARTH ESTATE THE CHALLENGES • The area is isolated with limited roads in and out. • The bus service is infrequent, expensive and only links to the town centre. • To get to wider destinations, such as the hospital or supermarkets, requires two bus journeys and two fares. • Regarding the bus service, confusion exists around best value tickets and pricing, as well as frustration that, often, only exact change for fares is accepted. • The cost of taxi rides into the town centre is prohibitively expensive. • There is a local shop and takeaway, but other amenities are inconvenient. • There is an active community centre but the surrounding public realm and play provision is degraded and poor. • There is a lack of variety and therefore choice in the housing stock. • There is plenty of open space, but it is mainly just mown grass with sparse, limited and inappropriate play equipment. • The public realm is degraded and of low quality with little or no street trees and furniture. • Unrestricted parking allows cars to dominate the landscape. THE POSSIBILITIES • A new railway halt on the Oxenholme to Windermere Line, could create a revitalised community heart and focus for the neighbourhood. • Allocated housing sites should offer a wider variety of affordable, quality homes. • The station halt and new housing could catalyse further community facilities. • The station forecourt could provide an electric bike hire hub and integrated bus service. • An open space appraisal and working with local children could develop an appropriate new play and amenity offer. • Creating attractive, dedicated and accessible pedestrian links through the whole estate would better link the open spaces, the shop and new station halt. • There is unused space on the estate, which could provide additional housing or other community facilities. • The creation of a dedicated cycle lane would make a sustainable transport link between the estate and the town centre. KENDAL VISION 2020 | THE POSSIBILITIES 72