OPPORTUNITY AREAS THE BREWERY ARTS CENTRE, HIGHGATE, THE YARDS, WATERSIDE, ABBOT HALL & PARK THE CHALLENGES • The Vision engagement recognised the potential of the property above the shops in the high street, from Kirkland to the Library, as an opportunity for flats and town centre accommodation. • The high street has a number of empty units and charity shops, indicating a more challenging retail environment. • There are some excellent emerging shops and food outlets. However, there is a need to create an attractive environment, in order to encourage a wider take up of retail space and ensure an interesting and compelling future mixed-use and flexible destination in Kendal. • The river frontage is an underused gem that should be better integrated into the town centre experience. • Waterside housing was seen as an ugly intervention within the riverine setting. Waterside detracts from the riverside and the current homes may not provide the best quality accommodation or energy efficiency that residents deserve. • The new houses at Waterside were well received, but pose a question as to why more development hasn’t taken place. • Car parking and Dowker’s Lane severs the high street from the river. THE POSSIBILITIES • A shop front renewal programme would enhance the quality of the town centre as a destination. • Agencies should work closely with landlords on the high street to provide flats for homes and student accommodation. • Remodelling the riverside walkway with a high-quality cycle way, would better link Abbot Hall and park with the town centre. • The town should work with Abbot Hall Art Gallery and the Brewery Arts Centre to create an art and technology vision, which allows these important assets to flourish, grow and provide first class facilities for everyone, especially the young. • Kendal should see art as the catalyst for the further revitalisation of Kirkland. • The consultation raised the need for a better cinema and media facilities in the town. The Brewery Arts Centre has a series of major capital developments underway to improve cinema and media facilities. • Examine, with the Waterside community, how investment in housing in this area can benefit both the residents and support the town’s wider aspirations, by creating attractive, energy efficient homes to complement a rejuvenated town centre. KENDAL VISION 2020 | THE POSSIBILITIES 96