17 https://pod.co/transforming-tomorrow/a-taskforcefor-nature A Pentland Centre Research & Impact Digest, 2025 Listen... Biodiversity scenarios for business Businesses should ensure their forward planning integrates nature and biodiversity. Biodiversity scenario development is recommended within the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and is a technique where hypothetical, but plausible, narratives of the future are developed for organisations to help them assess their exposure to naturerelated risks and opportunities. The Pentland Centre has developed business briefings to inform practice with a short and a longer version on this topic available. Reporting on Nature Each year the Pentland Centre reviews and identifies trends in a sample of corporate reports from companies in mining, oil and gas, food, clothing, household and beauty, forest products, and utilities (sectors with the largest dependency and impact on nature). Our 2024 Navigation Guide made a series of observations: 1. The kind of activity you are engaged in will drive reporting. For example, mine sites are well defined and relatively small so are easier to report on compared to food companies, who depend on land all over the world. 2. Country of incorporation influences the maturity of reporting. For example, the Government of Japan have provided support to companies and reporting there is more mature than average. 3. The TNFD and the approaches/tools they champion are influencing reporting (see next story). 4. For some companies, nature reporting appears to be an ‘add on’ rather than embedded in business strategy. Kering, CMPC and Forico are good examples of companies having comprehensive standalone nature strategy documents built upon clear, tangible and meaningful work on the ground. 5. Other companies are doing significant work but not providing a high level of reporting. For example, Mars rarely mentions nature, though it has one of the most far-reaching commitments for a food company reliant upon millions of hectares of land. It is aiming to ‘hold flat’ the land area associated with its value chain. 6. The idea of being ‘Nature Positive’ is emerging as an ambition for some companies. This idea suggests that a company should aim to support nature recovery equivalent to the impacts generated across their value chain. As nature is already degraded, it would be anticipated that rebuilding nature that has already been lost may also be part of such a strategy. Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures The TNFD is a “market-led and science-based initiative supported by national governments, businesses and financial institutions worldwide” that has published guidance for companies and financial institutions about how they can communicate and manage financial risks they face due to changes in nature. This standard focuses on nature-related impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities and some 120 companies had published under this framework by the end of September 2024. Centre researcher Dr Neytullah Ciftci is focused on examining early adopters of the TNFD with insights due to be published this year.