Lancaster University Management School - 54 Degrees Issue 10

Findoutmore Introductory webinar: Discover conversational frameworks and skills. Ten-week Post Graduate module: An introduction to formal and informal coaching/mentoring theory. Twenty-week Post Graduate Qualification: Explore advanced approaches to coaching. Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice (work-based coaching andmentoring): 1-3 years withflexible progression to Master’s. “I’m still amazed at the power of coaching conversations to generate creative solutions for problems initially thought unsolvable. When coaching is the preferred way to communicate within organisational culture, it is a big asset for contributing towards organisational performance.” Paulette Swindell, Scheme Director. CeTAD entre forExecutiveTrainingandDevelopment CoachingandMentoring: IntroductoryTraining andQualifications Flexible, part-time, distance learningforworkplacequalifications. Impact organisational culture and performance, and build your confidence to coach and mentor others to achieve their potential. Progress fromour one-day onlineworkshop in February 2021 to short courses and a full Lancaster UniversityMaster’s: Image:QaudrupleAccreditedWorldRanked Logos.