Lancaster University Management School - 54 Degrees Issue 12

FIFTY FOUR DEGREES | 3 An Incentive to IncreaseMisconduct Many CEOs are rewarded for good performancewith company stock options. JustinChircop asks what happens if your company leader is rewarded for taking greater risks. 6 In this issue... 42 Towards a thriving social care workforce Adult social care in the UK is facing numerous workforce challenges. The Work Foundation’s Trinley Walker outlines the potential to take advantage of shifting perceptions about the sector to build a thriving workforce for the future. 4 Shaping the leaders of the future It is no longer good enough for companies and their leaders to produce results purely for the bene fi t of shareholders. Robyn Remke looks at the key skills they need. 18 Standby for action Joe Deville fi nds that waiting can be a frustrating experience, and one that can last a particularly long time for disaster response org anisations. 10 Doyoubelieve in the curse? Natural resources can bring an economic boomto a region or even country, but fdo these economies show slower growth? Anita Schiller investigates. 14 The changing face of philanthropy Charitiesandnot-for-pro fi t organisations have facedahard timeduring theCovid- 19pandemic, as theyseek funds that are neededmore thanever. Taking sustainability seriously If companies are to make a real positive impact on their sustainability and the environment, Savita Verma shows they need their employees to adopt green behaviours. 34 At the heart of the community DrHelenL. Bruce looksat howchildren’s activityproviders survivedbeingunable to meet in-personduring lockdown, andhow theyproved tobevital instruments in keepingcommunities connected. 26 AGrimFar Future, or a Dark Present A tabletop wargame with armies of Space Marines, Orks and the hordes of Chaos, an expanded universe of books and graphic novels telling tales across the universe in the 41st millennium, Warhammer 40,000 is also an insight into modern warfare and statecraft. 30 Foreword TheManagement School has recently celebrated a proudmoment with the achievement of the Athena Swan Bronze award, in recognition of our commitment to advancing gender equa lity. 22 The chan ging face o f philanthropy – 38 Women’s Entrepreneurship as Political Activism in Disguise Sophie Alkhaled examines how women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia are using their positions to a ff ect social change.