Lancaster University Management School - Accounting and Finance

Paying the Mafia premium How do the Mafia affect the operations of firms outside their operation. Dr Justin Chircop finds tax avoidance increases as businesses try to compete. 28 In this issue... 24 What can we learn about credit risk from accounting numbers? Dr Argyro Panaretou explains how a switch in measurement basis can provide a better insight into a firm’s credit risk. An Incentive to Increase Misconduct Many CEOs are rewarded for good performance with company stock options. Justin Chircop asks what happens if your company leader is rewarded for taking greater risks. 4 A match made in language and finance Professor Steve Young has been working with computer scientists and expert linguists on an interdisciplinary project to develop a novel app. 12 32 How well are UK companies reporting on modern slavery? Dr Mahmoud Gad’s reveals how far UK companies are complying with modern slavery reporting regulations. 8 Under new Management Dr Mykola Babiak investigates whether crypto fund managers are worth the money to ensure positive returns. Diversity pays There is a well-recognised problem with a lack of diversity in private equity firms, which are renowned for being made up of a small group of homogenous – predominantly male – individuals. 16 20 Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Dr Wendy Beekes' research into Japanese firms shows issues with transparency affect the bad news disclosures more than the good. 2 | Discover more of Lancaster University Management School’s world-leading research at