Lancaster University Management School - Marketing

2 | Discover more of Lancaster University Management School’s world-leading research at In this issue... 4 Danger for sale Running an enterprise in a stable environment can be hard enough. Operating in a favela – a Brazilian slum or shantytown where drug gangs are dominant and shootings are an everyday reality – is something else. 8 Gambling with Public Health Dr Carolyn Downs outlines her work looking at the extent of problem gambling in Lancashire. 12 Don’t be a bad influencer Social media influencers can have audiences in the millions, and they use their sway over followers to promote and endorse products. 16 Exploited and abused Dr Chih-Ling Liu’s work highlights the plight of daughters in Chinese families where ‘son preference’ means female children suffer exploitation 20 It’s Witchcraft Take a trip into the world of modernday online witches with PhD researcher Sophie James. 24 Mother knows best Attitudes towards gender equality and stereotypical gender roles have changed greatly since the 1950s. Why then, asks Professor Margaret K Hogg, are women still presented as experts of the household first and of anything else second in popular magazines? 28 Come over to the Dark Side Dr Beatriz Rodriguez Garcia examines dark tourism sites – where tourists visit places linked with death, trauma or disaster. Building barriers, opening doors With economic and political migration high on the agenda across much of Europe, Dr Emre Tarim examines the key issue of how migrants integrate into the labour market. 32 36 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Business Dr Mike Ryder asks: what can science fiction tell us about the future? When we watch Star Trek, Blade Runner or Star Wars, or read the works of Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke or Ursula Le Guin, do we see what lies decades or centuries in the future? Be the best brand that you can be In the digital age, brands must approach the task of building their prestige in a whole new way. 40