Lancaster University Management School - 54 Degrees Issue 14

RECOMMENDATIONS So what steps are needed to better support low-carbon businesses in developing the skills base needed within their workforces in order to drive forward net zero ambitions? We set out a number of recommendations that, combined, hold the potential to catalyse a shift within the skills ecosystem that is better attuned to the needs of lowcarbon firms: • Sector bodies should undertake deep engagement with their members, through surveys, to ascertain the most pressing skills needs. Based on this evidence, partnerships between Colleges, Higher Education, private providers, and statutory bodies, should be developed to take forward provision for identified skills needs. • With high-carbon jobs being lost, there is a need to facilitate transitions fromadjacent sectors; workers from sectors such as oil and gaswill hold skills relevant tothe low-carbonsector. • To facilitate internal succession planning, low-carbon businesses should engage with and inspire young people through local networks, such as Careers Hubs and Enterprise Adviser Networks, and which can support businesses to engage with inspiration and recruitment activities. • Low-carbon businesses should develop entry level roles to attract younger workers as well as individuals from other sectors. These roles should be stepping stones to further opportunities in the sector, precursor positions to apprenticeships. TheUKGovernmenthasnowlauncheda NetZeroStrategy whichsetsout the planstomeet thenetzero2050target. TheGreenJobsTaskforcerecently published its report,outliningthesteps neededtoreachGovernment’stargetof twomillionadditional green jobsby2030. Thechallengeof skillsgapswas highlightedbytheTaskforceand it isclear thatmoreneedstobedonetoattract workers fromarangeofbackgrounds in to low-carbon industries, toensurethe rightopportunities for trainingand developmentareavailabletoenablethe industrytogrow, andtodeliverhighqualitygreen jobswithgoodworking practicesandcareerprospects. At theWork Foundation, we will continue to explore the challenges and opportunities that the shift to net zero will present for UK employers and workers over the year ahead. FIFTY FOUR DEGREES | 37 TrinleyWalker is a Policy Advisor with the Work Foundation. He is the author of Skills for NetZero in Lancashire: Building the low-carbonworkforce of the future, produced by the Work Foundation and the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership.