FIFTY FOUR DEGREES | 3 The customer point-of-view Katie Gwynne and Jane Routh, from Booths, explain how their participation in PPiPL has allowed the supermarket chain to gain invaluable insights into the views and needs of their customers. 34 In this issue... 30 Taking PPiPL international Dr Lenka Brunclikova reveals how PPiPL Malaysia explores attitudes and behaviours in a different culture. 46 A(nother) recipe for succession Dr Bingbing Ge delves into family businesses to discover how actions at home can help to shape the succession process. 42 Pixels and paint: The dual faces of AI in art Mengjun Tao explains the expected and unexpected effects of AI’s rise for artists and the art community, and what might be done to ensure positive outcomes. Keeping our council on plastics Lancaster City Council's Carly Sparks and Ian McKay reveal how the PPiPL project has influenced their thinking and practices. 6 Waste not, want not Drs John Hardy and Clare Mumford investigate issues around how to process and recycle the plastics we use on a daily basis. 14 26 Seeking plastics clarity Dr Alison Stowell and Professor Maria Piacentini explain the three-year Plastics Packaging in People's Lives (PPiPL) project and its work around consumer attitudes and behaviours. 10 Sustainable packaging innovation Professor Linda Hendry outlines what manufacturers and retailers are doing and can do to improve their practices and tackle the plastic waste problem. How to improve climate change predictions If you want expert insight, ask an expert. Dr Kim Kaivanto shows how the CRUCIAL initiative is bringing together leading minds to better predict the planet's future. 38 Taking the spotlight off consumer behaviour Dr Charlotte Hadley and Professors Alex Skandalis and James Cronin discuss what can be done to help turn off the plastics tap. 18 22 AI and the SDGs Dr Sharmin Nahar delves into the impact Artificial Intelligence can have on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.