Lancaster University - Transforming Tomorrow

19 A Pentland Centre Research & Impact Digest, 2023 The Centre for Global Eco-innovation (CGE) is a sister centre to the Pentland Centre, and there are many synergies between our work programmes. Since 2012, CGE has worked with more than 700 businesses across sectors to collaboratively develop eco-innovative products, practices and services, supported with research knowhow from across environmental and biological sciences, engineering and physics, psychology and social sciences. The Centre, which has a number of shared members with the Pentland Centre, has supported more than 140 PhD and Masters by Research studentships focused on low-carbon solutions – making us one of the biggest postgraduate training centres for climate solution research nationally. Each studentship is carefully designed and delivered with an industry partner to ensure we develop solutions that work in practice and develop highly-skilled postgraduates ready to help deliver net-zero in practice. Through its £14M Eco-I North West programme, in partnership with five other Higher Education Institutions in the region, CGE also supports place-based innovation by bringing organisations together to work towards bigger goals. Over the past two years, it has run a programme of Innovation Catalysts focused on food and drink sector sustainability (see P9). These six-month action-focused collaborative programmes see businesses come together to share issues and develop effective long-term solutions that capture greater value for them and for the region. To get involved, learn more about our Capital Grants scheme, or find out more, contact CGE via their website The Centre for Global Eco-innovation Working with global, regional and local organisations, Energy Lancaster has a track record of undertaking fundamental and applied research, innovation, training and outreach to contribute to a sustainable energy system that supports the world’s energy needs. A Lancaster University cross-faculty research institute, like the Pentland Centre, their focus is increasingly on accelerating the speed of the decarbonisation of energy systems transition and ensuring it is also socially and environmentally sustainable. Energy Lancaster draws in diverse interdisciplinary expertise from across the faculties of Science and Technology, Arts and Social Sciences, Health and Medicine, and the Management School, to develop novel approaches and creative solutions to the complex energy challenges we face. Energy Lancaster’s activities are underpinned by disciplinary capabilities and collaborations with a wide range of external industry, policy and third-sector partners. A particular strength is the ability to integrate experts in dynamic teams across disciplines and sectors to co-develop research and innovation. Along with its breadth of expertise, Energy Lancaster has cutting-edge facilities that propel academic research and enable partners to work within Lancaster University in a unique collaborative environment. Energy Lancaster welcomes contact from potential partners, collaborators, and visitors. Find out more here: Energy Lancaster