Lancaster University - Transforming Tomorrow

7 A Pentland Centre Research & Impact Digest, 2023 Read more on SeaBOS SeaBOS member companies reported on their progress over the last five years towards ocean stewardship. The report provides transparency on activities and achievements (focusing on commitments made) and forms the basis from which SeaBOS can discharge its accountability to those who support the initiative. Information provision is the basis for accountability. The report also sought to inspire others to learn from the collaboration in terms of developing policies, gathering data and intervening to improve performance. The report was launched at the United Nations Ocean Conference, in Portugal, in June 2022. Here, world leaders confirmed their commitment to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Civil society and business also attended the event, which focused on scaling up ocean action based on science and innovation for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14. To discuss this project, or the idea of keystone actors, further, contact Professor Jan Bebbington, Professor Nick Barter, from Griffith University, Australia, is exploring how to bring future generations’ thinking into business. In presenting his concept to Pentland Centre members, he noted that the average age of a CEO is 59, and that 30 years is the length of a generation. Therefore, future generations are already working in or are organisational stakeholders. One way to provide these near-future generations with a meaningful voice is to have ‘shadow boards’ where (with training, capacity building and good governance) their voices and perspectives can be heard. If you wish to apply this idea, Nick and the Centre would love to hear from you. For more information, see: Future Generation Boards Reuse is the process of passing objects from one user to another. In extending the life of products and reducing demand for raw materials, reuse is an essential and important technical feature of a more circular economy. At the same time, reuse often operates outside mainstream economy settings, and is depicted as an act of political consumption. Drs Lucy Wishart and Katherine Ellsworth-Krebs’ work explores the hidden practices of the reuse process in organisations. Reuse is not seamless: sometimes objects do not move directly from one user to another, instead they are moved and stored by intermediaries engaged in the ‘stewardship of things’. Through their ethnographic study of a university reuse project, they discovered that, in addition to the care, storage and movement of objects, many practices also sanitise the stewardship of things. For example, promoting the growth of reuse rather than reducing initial consumption or devaluing the dirty, painful messy labour involved by celebrating volunteers rather than paying the full cost for this work. For more information, contact Dr Katherine Ellsworth-Krebs,, or Dr LucyWishart, Sanitising Stewardship