Livestock Emergency Guidelines Standards

10 The LEGS approach focuses on suppor ting the livelihoods of livestock keepers before, during and following a crisis. It is therefore based on three objectives affecting livelihoods in crisis-affected communities. Objective 1: to provide immediate benefits using existing livestock resources Objective 2: to protect key livestock assets Objective 3: to rebuild key livestock assets LEGS guides practitioners through four key stages of response planning and implementation, as shown in Figure 2. At each stage there are par ticipatory tools which help the user to work through the stage, shown in Figure 3. For example, in Step 2, the PRIM (Par ticipatory Response Identification Matrix) is used to facilitate discussion and planning among stakeholders, including beneficiary representatives, and determine the most appropriate, timely and feasible options to suppor t livestock keepers in any par ticular crisis (Figure 4). THE LEGS APPROACH Stage 1 Initial Assessment Stage 2 Response Identification Stage 3 Analysis of Technical Interventions and Options Stage 4 Monitoring and Evaluation h h h Figure 2. Stages of the LEGS response Figure 3. Tools for the stages of the LEGS response Stage 1 Assessment Checklists Stage 2 Par ticipatory Response Identification Matrix (PRIM) Stage 3 Advantages and disadvantages;Timing, DecisionTrees, Standards and Guidelines Stage 4 Standards and Guidelines; M & E Checklists h h h