Livestock Emergency Guidelines Standards

12 The LEGS approach is well appreciated – for improved effciency, effectiveness and impacts of livestock related interventions during disasters. Dr Kisa Juma Ngeiywa: Chief Veterinar y Officer Kenya and Acting Director of Veterinar y Ser vices, Kenya ’ ‘ Figure 5. Decision tree for feed options No action (unless outstanding questions can be addressed) Emergency feeding in situ Emergency feeding in feed camp Is there a shortage of livestock feed? Figure 5 Decision-making tree for feed options Note The result ‘No action (unless outstanding quest ions can be address ed)’ does not necessarily mean that no intervention should take place, but rather that f urther training or capac ity building ma y be required in order to be able to answer ‘yes’ to the key questions. = ‘yes’ = ‘no’ Are indigenous supplementary with needs or do they not exist? adequate supplementary feed to achieve nutritional objectives for the duration of the emergency? logistical, supervisory, and management support systems for establishing a feed camp? Can secure, community-managed distribution processes be established? resources to maintain the camp for the anticipated duration of the emergency? Can safe sources, storage, and transportation of feed be assured? Are local feed sources available? Is transport available? Are suitable external sources available? feeding practices insu…cient to cope Do su…cient funds exist to provide Are there su…cient Are there su…cient