Livestock Emergency Guidelines Standards

17 Based on feedback on the first edition, the language was also edited for clarity and accessibility, and a new design and format were commissioned to make the Handbook clearer and easier to use. The second edition has been translated into Arabic, French and Spanish, available in pdf format on the website. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 LEGS Steering Group members reviewed individual chapters of first edition Feedback from 33 organizations and individuals Consultation process on first edition launched via LEGS website and mailing list Feedback compiled and reviewed by Steering Group Draft second edition produced Chapter authors commissioned (LEGS Steering Group members and secretariat, plus some independent consultants) Consultation process on draft second edition via LEGS website and mailing list Briefing papers commissioned on gender, climate change, animal welfare, livestock in camps, and resilience (cash transfers paper commissioned previously) Steering Group reviewed consultation feedback and briefing papers Revision and copy-edit New design commissioned Final version submitted to publisher 3 9 Figure 6. Production of second edition of LEGS