Livestock Emergency Guidelines Standards

21 Figure 10. Location and number of 3-day training courses as of April 2015 LEGS trainers deliver the LEGS training course independently of the LEGS Project, in response to demand in their home countries, from within their organization or from other interested par ties. To date the LEGS Project has trained over 340 LEGS Trainers from around the world through 19 TOTs in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Between them they have run more than 168 LEGS training courses independently of LEGS Project funding. AFRICA Burkina Faso 3 Djibouti 3 Ethiopia 16 Eritrea 1 Kenya 41 Mali 1 Mauritania 3 Niger 11 Nigeria 1 Senegal 1 Somalia 1 Somaliland 1 South Sudan 2 Sudan 13 Uganda 1 Zimbabwe 4 OTHER Caribbean 2 Fiji 2 Palestine 2 ASIA Afghanistan 2 Bangladesh 3 Bhutan 1 India 6 Indonesia 2 Malaysia 1 Myanmar 6 Nepal 3 Pakistan 6 Philippines 2 Thailand 4 Vietnam 8 LATIN AMERICA Colombia 3 Costa Rica 6 El Salvador 3 Guatemala 1 Honduras 1 Mexico 1 103 44 15 6 LEGS is recognized as THE handbook to guide livelihoods- based livestock interventions. ’ ‘ Astrid de Valon, former Regional Humanitarian Coordinator, Trócaire, East Africa