Livestock Emergency Guidelines Standards

23 PROMOTING IMPACTASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION LEGS draws on evidence-based good practice from around the world.The LEGS Project tracks and uses evaluations, reviews and impact assessments of livestock projects as par t of this evidence base, and has developed a database of impact assessment and evaluation repor ts, available on the LEGS website.The database is a simple spreadsheet which lists a set of documents by region, country, type of emergency and type of livestock intervention. Each document can be also be downloaded using the links in the spreadsheet. Each technical chapter of the LEGS Handbook includes an appendix with examples of monitoring and evaluation indicators.These are divided between process and impact indicators.The case studies in the second edition of the LEGS Handbook have also been separated into those illustrating impact and those which simply describe activity. The LEGS Project has also developed some additional tools to suppor t impact assessment and the collection of evidence.These include the LEGS Evaluation Tool, available on the LEGS website, which provides selected indicators from the LEGS Handbook to help in an assessment of the extent to which the project followed LEGS.The tool covers the six technical interventions included in LEGS: destocking, veterinary services, feed, water, shelter and settlement, and provision of livestock. Most of the indicators are taken directly from the key actions in the LEGS Handbook; others are taken from the LEGS standards or the guidance notes in the relevant technical chapter. A 20 minute on-line training film has also been produced to suppor t practitioners in monitoring and evaluating their work.The film provides guidance and suppor t to improve impact assessment of livestock projects through the development of livelihoods-based objectives, improving indicators, and outlining par ticipatory methods for measuring impact.The film is available on the LEGS website. LEGS provides a meeting point for humanitarian response and livestock-based interventions, while ensuring that principles and standards are understood and maintained.This promises to be an invaluable tool for response planning. ’ ‘ Julie March, Agriculture and Food Security Advisor, US Agency for International Development, Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance