Livestock Emergency Guidelines Standards

27 • For every $1 spent on commercial destocking in Kenya $390 of benefits (avoided aid and animal losses) are gained, while in Ethiopia the equivalent figure is $311 (Cabot Venton et al., 2012). • ‘In Ethiopia, when the costs of destocking, veterinary services and supplementary feeding are incorporated, [early response could save] $1,303m in a single event’ (Cabot Venton et al., 2012). • ‘Local food aid plus restocking costs 125 times more than commercial destocking, and impor ted food aid plus restocking costs 137 times more than commercial destocking’ (Catley and Cullis, 2012). Case studies and lessons from the field also illustrate the impact of applying the LEGS approach: • ‘By using the LEGS approach,World Animal Protection was able to get a better understanding of the relationship between livestock and their owners. This enabled us to better meet the needs for both animal and owner and greatly increased the effectiveness of our response. The LEGS approach has also assisted us in our effor ts to show others the impor tance of considering animals in disaster response and planning and the benefits of good animal welfare in protecting livestock based livelihoods’ (World Animal Protection Case Study – Flooding in Quang Binh Province Vietnam, Ian Dacre, March 2011, inWallis andWatson 2013). • ‘When the LEGS guidelines are followed rigorously in the Emergency Phase the impact is clearly felt and highly appreciated by communities and long term benefits repor ted. Community and other stakeholder involvement in livestock-based emergency interventions improves local capacity and enhances ownership and sustainability of the interventions. Sourcing pasture locally triggers enterprise around fodder. Preservation of key breeding stock enables rapid regeneration of herds.’ Findings of a study on the effectiveness of LEGS in Kenya and Ethiopia (Coupe and Kisiangani, 2013). As a result of LEGS the Kitui government staff are now able to assess the situation, plan earlier for cyclical drought occurrence and make bids for funds based on EarlyWarning information… Vaccination campaigns are planned earlier and have become more targeted, the delivery of vet services has improved. Group Interview, Government staff, Kitui, Kenya (in Coupe and Kisiangani, 2013) ’ ‘