Livestock Emergency Guidelines Standards

6 Millions of people worldwide depend on livestock for their livelihoods, food security and nutrition, and many of them are affected by disasters, both natural and man-made. The Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) are a set of international guidelines for improving the quality of livestock programmes in humanitarian crises. The LEGS Project, established in 2005, grew out of concerns that livestock responses in emergencies were frequently inappropriate, poorly designed and/or delivered too late. LEGS provides standards and guidance based on good practice from around the world to help decision-makers and implementers to improve their suppor t to livestock keepers affected by crisis. This publication brings together the key achievements of the LEGS Project up to 2015. ACRONYMS AU/IBAR .............. African Union – Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources DFID ...................... Depar tment for International Development ECHO ................... European Union – Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection depar tment FAO ........................ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ICRC ...................... International Committee of the Red Cross IFRC ....................... International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies LEGS ...................... Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards ODI ........................ Overseas Development Institute OFDA .................... Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, USAID PRIM ...................... LEGS Par ticipatory Response Identification Matrix TOT ........................ Training of Trainers UN-OCHA ......... United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs USAID ................... United States Agency for International Development VSF ......................... Vétérinaires sans Frontières INTRODUCTION