Manchester Settlement

Health Creation is our new framwork for delivering a preventative approach to health inequity. The approach involves us working with local community organisations that have strong relationships with their communities. We support these organisations to develop their methods to focus on Connections, Confidence and Control as key aims. Health Creation describes the process through which individuals and communities gain a sense of purpose, hope, mastery and control over their own lives and immediate environment; when this happens their health and wellbeing is enhanced. We hugely value and appreciate our communities for the great work they do to make people’s lives better and we have found that supporting them to embed the framework into their work has proved beneficial to individuals and to our communities. We have seen this in our projects; working across neighbourhoods. PROJECT MANAGER MAQBUL SAID... ‘The sense of achievement for our Health Creators we trained up was marvellous. While they are very committed individuals, the programme itself gave them a feeling of getting equipped with knowledge and skills, which they can use to help family, friends and their community. The Health Creation programme is crucial for the communities where health outcomes are not great’ THE HEALTH CREATORS DIABETES PROJECT ‘Health Creation improved my community’s sharing of views and it’s supported people to have confidence in sharing and having their own opinion that may differ from others – it demonstrated that what they say is important and valid.’ ‘The programme provides a framework through which we were able to uncover concerns, needs and misconceptions that we then addressed.’ ‘As a result of Health Creation we relooked at our programme and we changed the contents of our diabetes education. Listening to our community showed that it was diabetes myths that were the biggest issue. It empowered us to deliver factual information by doing research via the NHS website and journals.’ We are... Health Creating! The programme offers a framework that gives people confidence Health Creation encouraged us to focus on strengthening our community... everyone has a role to play MANCHESTER SETTLEMENT WE ARE HEALTH CREATING FEATURES OF OUR HEATH CREATING PRACTICE ● LISTENING AND RESPONDING ● TRUTH-TELLING ● STRENGTHS-FOCUS ● SELF-ORGANISING ● POWER-SHIFTING ● RECIPROCITY 6 15