Mark Minshull McMemories

Mark, you have been a trusted partner over the years and moreover a good friend. I always smile when I think of you on the golf course :), in particular in Portugal and the time when you had a 70 yrd pitch to the flag with some water between you and the green. Of course in true Mark style you bounced the ball across the water and on to the green with the ball finishing next to the flag for a birdie! Great laughter and story- telling began! I wish you and Helen every happiness in the future! Joe. Paul mentioned that Mark was retiring - feels like the end of an era! I have fond memories of Mark’s calm and collected approach to all the somewhat frantic, ever-changing and complex challenges that we would throw in the Linney team’s direction. Mark is the consummate gentleman with an innate ability to offer clarity and wisdom! Best, Nathalie JOE ZAMMUTO NATHALIE POMROY