Mark Minshull McMemories

Dear Mark (and Helen), It only seems like yesterday when I first visited Linneys at the old factory in Mansfield, and Linney Design were still in an old house. You were just about to get married, so I didn’t meet you until you had moved into the new factory. Where have all those years gone!!! We had such fun working together and building the Linney Partnership. I wish you all the very best with your new ‘French Adventure’ and hopefully when things are back to some kind of normal we can visit you in your new house (subject to an invite). Good luck with everything. Love from Sonjeeta (and Ian) xxx Mark – I can honestly say that I will never forget the time we spent working together. Frustrating, exhausting, all consuming - but also, the most exciting, exhilarating and adrenaline-filled time I’ve ever spent at work. I know I drove you as mad as you drove me - you taught me tenacity that verged on belligerence - but I always knew that we were both aiming for the same end goal and we wouldn’t rest until we got there. Knowing you always had my back gave me strength and determination. I look back on that early, seat of our pants, every-day’s-a-school-day time and smile - and I hope that, with your phone turned off and your notebook packed away, you do too. Clare SONJEETA MAHAPATRA CLARE GRANTHAM