RHS Student Guide Level 2 Unit 2 - Horticulture and Society

these kinds of gardens are sustainable. Regular shapes (formal) and irregular shapes (informal) used within designs should be discussed and also how do you plant in each type of garden? How can you rectify features or plantings in a formal or informal garden? What is plant association and how do we use this in garden design and layouts? You should be able to discuss some good associations both from an ecological and horticultural point of view. You should also be able to discuss colour use, forms, shapes, height, and the different purposes of different types of planting – for example, what type of planting could you use in a formal layout to delineate different parts of the garden? What about an informal site? You should understand the seasonal interest in garden settings and how each season has plants that can be used to great effect. Regarding plant uses, you should be able to explain the impact of planting on height, wildlife, structure, horizontal and vertical planes, screening, and boundaries. Make sure you can discuss the ecosystem services of plants and can name particular plants regarding this. For example, boundaries planted with Eleagnus x submacrophylla are pollution tolerant and filter noise as well. Hairy-leaved plants can filter particulates well. How are plants used in urban settings to improve air quality? How are they used to reduce erosion? How is crop pollination assisted with plantings and how can plants be used to improve water quality?