RHS Student Guide Level 2 Unit 2

On a broader level, you should understand that in photosynthesis, carbon is sequestered, which is why plants are vital in reducing the impact of global warming climate change. For both photosynthesis and respiration, you should understand how plants are adapted to make these processes efficient – like having an epidermis which allows light to reach the palisade mesophyll, for example. You should also be able to discuss how growers might manipulate conditions indoors and out to make it easier for plants to photosynthesise and respire. For example, reduce waterlogging, shade outside, and control atmosphere and temperature indoors). And finally but my no means least, you should be able to discuss the movement of water through a plant. How does it enter a plant? What creates the pressure that pushes it up the xylem vessels, how does it get into the atmosphere? Make sur you can follow a drop of water as it passes form soil to roots, up the plant, into the leaf and into the atmosphere ( now as vapour). You should be able to discuss, for all plant processes, how temperature, light, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and other factors affect processes and the Law of Limiting factors should be understood fully. The unit, of course, covers a lot more detail but this overview should help you to realise you can break the learning down, and it will eventually al make sense and link up so you understand fully the concept of how plants work.