S. Stibbards & Sons - Brochure 2022

The ceremony Early on in the arrangement, you will have to decide upon the type of funeral service you wish to have in memory of the deceased. This will often have an impact on your choice of venue for the service and the final place of rest. Our experienced funeral arrangers can advise you on all types of funeral service and how your choice of service might influence other aspects of the funeral. Funeral celebrant There are a number of celebrants within the local area who will be able to provide a personal service based on your requirements. Some of these celebrants have religious training and are therefore able to combine religious aspects, such as hymns and prayers, with some of the more personal aspects the family desires. Humanist There are no religious aspects to a humanist funeral service, focusing rather on paying tribute to the life and memory of the deceased. However, this does not mean that there should be anything in a humanist funeral service to offend the religious; a humanist service is simply an affectionate celebration of life. Religious Different religions mark the passing of life with different forms of service. A Christian service celebrates the life of the deceased and their entrance into a new eternal life, and will usually include hymns, readings and prayer in remembrance of the loved one. Other religions recognise the passing of life with their own unique ceremonies and rituals according to the rules and traditions of the religion. Your religious leader will be able to advise you on the composition of an appropriate service in honour of your loved one. We will observe all religious and cultural beliefs and assist you in arranging the other elements of the funeral to fit with your religious service. Music At the service Hymns and classical music have traditionally provided the musical accompaniment to the funeral service. While these remain popular, more and more people are now being remembered with their favourite pop songs, songs from musicals or even music recorded by family and friends. All local crematoria now have the facilities to download music of your choice and play it during the service, in addition to the option to provide an organist. If the funeral is being held at a burial chapel or church, we can arrange for someone to play the organ at the service. We can also provide a choral accompaniment for crematorium services. Soloists – from £85 We know a number of professional soloists who will perform at funeral services. Some prefer to sing classical music or hymns, while others offer a much wider selection. Whatever your wishes, we will endeavour to fulfil them. Bagpipes – from £150 Having a piper to lead or play at the funeral service can be very dramatic and is steeped in tradition and symbolism. Bands – POA Whether you are looking for a New Orleans jazz band or a string quartet, our funeral arrangers will endeavour to organise this to make the funeral as personal as possible. A personal tribute Visual Tributes Many crematoria now have the facility to play video or photo tributes as part of the funeral service, it is said ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ and when accompanied with a favourite music track a visual tribute is an excellent way to portray a snapshot of your loved ones life. *Fees correct as of 1st January 2022 Southend Crematorium Single photo shown throughout from £15* Simple slide show (25 photos) from £50* Tribute photo presentation with music (25 photos) from £85* Additional photos (price per 25 photos) £15 Family supplied video checking from £20* Basildon Crematorium Single photo from £20* Tribute photo presentation (10 photos) from £60* Tribute photo presentation (20 photos) from £65* Additional photos (price per photo) £1.50 Video tribute (up to 3 minutes) from £40* Additional 3 minutes £15 Webcasting and recording of services Personal attendance will always be the first choice but for those unable to attend, a webcast or recording of the service at least provides the opportunity to watch the event. The webcast enables anyone in the world to watch the funeral live in full-screen video, without the need for any technical knowledge or special software. Southend Crematorium Basildon Crematorium Webcast from £60.00* from £76* DVD/USB recording from £70.00* from £60* Bearing the coffin Carrying the coffin of a loved one can be a very poignant last act for family and friends of the deceased. We are able to assist you with this final tribute and will give those wishing to carry the coffin instructions and assistance on the day. In order to keep everyone safe and prevent accidents or injury, we respectfully requested that the following guidelines are adhered to: ● All those helping to carry the coffin should be over 18 years of age ● They should be fit and healthy and not suffer from any condition that may be exacerbated by lifting. ● Sensible footwear should be worn - no high heels ● We require 6 bearers in all instances Each limousine can carry a party of six, which may be comprised of adults, children and babies. For reasons of safety, children and babies are not permitted to travel on adults’ laps. Please inform your funeral arranger as soon as possible if children or babies are to travel in the limousine; we can then allow extra time at the house for the child’s parents to fit any travel aids. If you plan for children to travel in the limousine as part of the funeral party, we respectfully ask that you read the following notes for guidance. Children travelling in the limousine The Ceremony 08 Initial decisions – The ceremony Initial decisions – The ceremony 09