Scott-Grant - 2021 training programme

Maintaining professional standards 1 day £230 Performance Rating Clinics Productivity Analysts and Industrial Engineers should ensure they maintain the highest professional standards and operate to appropriate levels of accuracy. For those using Performance Rating the consequences of not operating at accurate and certified levels could have a significant and negative impact on both individuals and organisations. A Rating Clinic isn’t just a routine test; it’s a serious process that’s diagnostic and corrective because professional standards for rating analysts must be cer tified and maintained. All our clinics are led by qualified instructors who give the essential corrective guidance with statistical and visual feedback to each individual after every film. At a Performance Rating Clinic, analysts can check their consistency and accuracy and renew their ANNUAL cer tification.We use an extensive library of our specially produced Rating films. If you’re successful at the end of the Rating Clinic, for the next 12 months you will be able to apply Performance Rating to a qualified standard, knowing that you have corrected any adverse trends. Scott-Grant Performance Rating Clinics are the only Rating Clinics endorsed by the Institute of Management Services (IMS).This endorsement is the industry norm accepted by unions, businesses and other professional bodies.The clinics are only for those who have prior formal training and experience. Where to attend a Performance Rating Clinic Our open clinics offer a useful oppor tunity for professional analysts from a variety of backgrounds to discuss and share work- related issues.We offer dates for them in Manchester and Motherwell at our own facilities. For the full schedule of open course dates see page 11. We have also been delivering them in Stansted (at a venue close to the M11 and A120 interchange) and at Bristol (at a venue next to the M5 and M4 interchange).We may again schedule dates later in 2021. Remotely managed courses We have for a couple of years run Remotely Managed Performance Rating Clinics for overseas customers using various vir tual meeting software options. During 2020 we began to offer this option to UK businesses to address the ongoing need to renew the annual cer tification for productivity or work measurement analysts. Contact us to discuss this in more detail. Find out more on our website | 09