Conversations with Aldershot

28 Melanie Chiwera, 2021 The warnings are everywhere for all to see, it’s written in the papers and always on TV. When it comes to breaking lockdown rules I just wouldn’t dare, even though restrictions are a long drawn out affair So why don’t they listen why don’t they care, when I see themplaying in the park I can’t help but stare I spendmy days on lessons, not watching tv, if you look for me outside my home you won’t findme Do youmiss your friends, they always askme, no I say because I have a lot of technology I call them from the landline, I zoom them frommy phone and then they can see that I am staying home So what am I doing withmy time that’s free, Mumhas a list of jobs waiting for me! So why don’t they listen why can’t they see the life that it is saving that life could be me. They say now that they listened, they say they all could see, so out of lockdown they will come all except me Now it’s nearly over there is something new for me, I need to shield and stay at home so now can you see I didn’t see this coming, who decided this would be? Its all about a test I had when I was a baby. They said it didn’t matter it’s just a deficiency but that is why I’m shielding so it’s confusing for me So when you’re out there living, a life that’s restriction free, stop for just aminute and spare a thought for me My Mum explained it clearly, I can really see that the need for these restrictions will protect me If you want to helpme bear it, if you want to helpme through there is one thing I have thought of that you could do You could buy some chocolate and other treats for me, pop it in a postbox and address it just tome. Thank you for listening to this tale fromme, I hope that you can see I’mquite happy. I understand the reasons, I’ve googled onmy phone and I will definitely be staying at home.