Conversations with Aldershot

45 44 Asslamo AllakumWa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatoho. lockdown period was/is totally headache. Anon, 2020 Surprisingly knowing that we were sheltering from harm made being confined to the house strangley bearable. In addition to that we learned to spend more quality time together as a family. Various skills were developed. dealt with claustrophobic tendencies by giving time to my garden and growing food and establishing regular walks. Neighbourhoods reached out to each other and looked after each others needs. Waheeda R, 2020 I don’t think I can adequately explain how awful this period has been. The pressure of trying to look after our small child without any support network, while still working in demanding jobs, has been immense. I would say that we were pushed to breaking point but in reality it felt more like the weight of trying to cope slowly crushed us into dust. Anon, 2020 Online survey, 2020/ 2021 Hand EmbroideredWall Hanging, MuslimWomen’s Walking Group, 2022