Conversations with Aldershot

63 62 we believe, it’s not just enough to go to the mosque and pray and worship, in addition to praying and worshipping you also need to serve God’s creation, and that’s through helping people. Because of the pandemic we’ve been very fortunate to have plenty of opportunities to put this fundamental part of our faith into action. We had around 70members in our community responding to thousands of requests frompeople, assisting with shopping and collecting medicines. On a personal level My wife was pregnant during lockdown so it was good to be there at home with her and help her. I also definitely welcomed the idea of working fromhome and not commuting.” SAEED “One incident I want tomentionwas in regards to a vulnerable child. It was he birthday coming up and thankfully I actually managed to get all the ingredients that they needed to make a birthday cake and they were so so happy that we managed to get the ingredients and they baked their cake they sent me a photo of it and it was really really really nice to see that! We made food for themat our local mosque kitchen for up to about 200 people and sent that to the Royal Surrey County Hospital and we did that every week for as long as they needed it and they were very very also very pleased that you know they got some very nice kind of Asian Indian food or Pakistani Foods!” KHALID “It was an interesting experience and and seeing the people that you’re delivering it to in terms of you know they’re vulnerable they can’t actually go out and get it. collect their medicines and stuff themselves, sort of hits home in terms of what you have and what you are able to offer others. I you know youmight want to do very big things to try and benefit lots of people but even the smallest or the little bit of action that you do do the little help that you do give can benefit someone somuch. I know there’s a lot of negatives but the positive for me was that it made our family a lot closer. we sort of understood each other a lot more we learned from each other and it also gave me a chance to to be withmy children a lot more.” QASID “I think youmight know Susan about the campaign of ORCA so they they ran this campaign on social media which essentially stands for Operation Rushmoor Community Action and they needed branding done for this so I think that’s the first kind of contact we had with Heather like directly and she reached out and said ‘oh have you potentially anybody that can create a kind of a logo for us and save us some money?’ so we actually said well yeah well we reached out internally found some young students his name’s EhtashamArif just just to put himout there as well he generated some logos some branding, and they loved the designs actually and I think they’re now they’re being used across kind of their their email signatures as well so that was that was something that we did for the council.”