Conversations with Aldershot

83 82 I’ve been following your conversations with Aldershot and until now, just haven’t been in a place to talk. My beautiful daughter has made three suicide attempts in the past six months. No notes, nothing on social media, just quietly taking herself off. I was furious that the shop sold her paracetamol, furious that you can buy something so deadly with such ease, and furious that mental health services have been so under funded for such a long time, they simply can’t meet people’s needs. There are good things too, it has brought us closer as mother and daughter- reconnected us as a family unit. I am so sad that our young women feel such pressure to be perfect, to live up to completely unrealistic view of what it means to be beautiful. I am sad that there is still such a stigma aroundmental health, I became aware of aWhatsApp group of parents discussing if they want their daughters associating withmy daughter. She doesn’t want to become a label so hasn’t wanted this shared with anyone until recently but sitting in cahms with another mother- who was beside herself, as her daughter is so ill and won’t talk to her, I realised howmany other parents are struggling through this pain- during lockdown. I’mhappy to talk and for things to be shared anonymously, if it’s a conversation that would help others. Well done for all the work you are doing at the moment xx Anon, March 2021