This is Us ALP
Preface(to parents/adults) This, is my intended guide for children… Parental, or adult research with them will give the means to a better understanding, of the difference of us as people, but with the same needs. Our support, as people for all living things on Earth, is paramount to all inhabitants survival even Earth’s.
1 Having read about Tregon and Begon, you will know they can be helpful to all living things, by their story. So now lets talk about us, men, women, and children known as humans. A human is known as a person, and many are known as people. Which are part of groups, known also as families, that live on Earth.
2 As people, from our heads to our toes we are the same; hair on our head in lots of colours, which can be long, short, curly, or wavy. Two eyes big or small and in many colours, two ears, one nose which can be big, small, wide, or thin and one mouth with lips plump or thin, and a chin just under. Then comes the neck, from which stretch our shoulders and arms hang, with hands, fingers, and thumbs, at the end. A chest under the shoulders, tummy in the middle and two hips from which hangs our legs, with feet and toes at the end.
3 Earth is split into lots of areas, these areas are known as countries, of which they are many. People become part of a country usually by birth. Each country, has their own way of living from their foods, how it’s cooked, their drinks. Style, clothes, and even their speech, these are known as traditions (sounds like) tra-de-shuns.
4 Traditions, (tra-de-shuns) this means something that has been done the same way, for a very long time, and what makes people different. The weather can also play a part, as some countries are hot with many sunny days, others can be cold, windy, with hardly any sun and there are those with more snow than sun. In hot countries, clothes are lighter to keep cool, but in cold countries layers of clothing are needed, to keep warm.
5 Would, people that live in hot countries have a need for central heating, warm winter coats and boots, like people who live in cold countries do? What kind of meals, would be needed to keep their bodies well, if the country was very hot or very cold? And, what would they need to use to make their homes comfortable?
6 People become many as families grow, so we need to help look after other living things, on Earth. This can be done in many ways, plant what’s needed to keep food growing, for all living things (trees, birds, animals, fishes, insects, flowers) not just people. Finding ways, to deal with old unwanted things, and our waste items known as rubbish, which will help Earth, home to all.
7 Even as our country of birth, the weather, and traditions shows why we are not the same, our basic needs will never change. We all need food, drink, warmth, shelter and to be able talk to each other, this is what links us together as people. It’s those basic needs, no matter where on Earth we live, or what speech is spoken, we all have that in common.
8 Now you should have an idea of what makes people different the list below will remind you. Food…(and how it’s cooked) Drinks… Style… Clothes… Homes… People’s speech… Don't forget the part the weather can play.
9 So, is it not good to know about the many ways, people live their lives in other countries? How special we all are, and how much we can learn by travelling to see, or even be able to take part, in those traditions (tra-de-shuns). To not only learn, but to understand them also.
Inhabitants who can! Although traditions can sets us apart, our basic needs as people remains the same, and will always be no matter where in the world we live. As an inhabitant of Earth, we fundamentally need to feed and clothe ourselves, have warmth and shelter and to communicate effectively to maintain our survival. People’s legacy is to teach and assist in Earth’s preservation, crucial for all. Phone:02076897497 NTI5NzM=