Transforming West Cumbria, mid-term report 2023

PAGE 4 | TRANSFORMING WEST CUMBRIA TRANSFORMING WEST CUMBRIA | PAGE 5 Introduction Delivered by Cumbria Community Foundation and funded by Sellafield Ltd’s social impact, multiplied (SiX) programme, the Transforming West Cumbria programme aims to put local people in charge of their own futures by empowering them to create transformational change. Sellafield Ltd recognises that more can be achieved in partnership and that impact can be multiplied through collaboration. Transforming West Cumbria was developed with a range of partners to address issues identified in the ‘West Cumbria: Opportunities and Challenges’ report (2019), commissioned by Sellafield Ltd. It highlighted some of the persistent social problems facing communities in West Cumbria including: 3,900 children living in poverty; higher than average poverty rates; 1 in 7 households with an income of less than £10,000 a year and more children in care than in any other part of the county. Launched in 2020, the programme is based on three key pillars: 1. Build the capabilities and financial sustainability of critical community organisations delivering essential services in West Cumbria; 2. Inspire, encourage and nurture, both new and existing social entrepreneurs, by unlocking their entrepreneurial spirit; 3. Support children, young people and families to thrive, by building resilience, wellbeing, resourcefulness and a ‘can do’ attitude. Each of the underpinning programmes have been designed to: address identified needs; focus on gaps; be collaborative; support sustainable activities that create self-reliance and nurture future independence. Guided by the knowledge and expertise of nearly 40 people who are part of the project steering groups, the programme has responded and adapted to the unforeseen challenges arising from the global pandemic and national cost of living crisis. Many from the supply chain have supported the programme. This has ranged from individuals offering their time to mentor young people through the Positive Enterprise programme, companies providing free training courses to community groups, to the provision of additional match funding – over £540,000 has been committed to date. Collective impact means everyone can play their part and meet the social impact, multiplied objectives of: This report summarises what has been delivered so far, highlights the learning gained through evaluation and evidences the impact from those who have benefitted. It is testament to what can be achieved in partnership, when we work together to help our communities thrive. COLLECTIVE IMPACT THRIVING COMMUNITIES SUSTAINABLE INCOMES RESILIENT ECONOMIES SOCIAL VALUE CHAINS Transforming West Cumbria uses the power of local partnerships to tackle the area’s most entrenched social and economic problems Delivering the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals Developed in 2015 by the United Nations, the 17 interlinked global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a shared blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by 2030. Thinking globally, acting locally. By trusting local people to provide solutions to local problems, the Transforming West Cumbria programme is delivering specifically against eight of the SDGs. It is important to note that the remaining nine SDGs will also be impacted due to the intersecting nature of each Goal. Local charities and community organisations may be small in size, but in West Cumbria their collective work is playing a significant role in meeting these global goals and in delivering the SiX strategy objectives. The Transforming West Cumbria programme has inspired multiple partners, funders, organisations, companies and supporters to work together to achieve something bigger, a global vision that starts with local grassroots transformational change. Helping to deliver a sustainable future for our communities, through collective impact.