Triangle Aircraft Services - Climate Neutral Strategy

16 Further information Rainforest Partnership Paz Maya - Mangroves are a highly effective carbon sequestration solution per dollar spent. It provides coastal storm protection, maintains the health of ecosystems and thus maintains livelihoods. Please visit - Rainforest Partnership Peru Cloud Project - Cloud forests (high altitude rainforests) restoration is highly efficient when it comes to carbon sequestration as well as in preserving a high level of biodiversity. Please visit - Innovation 4.4 Oceans Prize for Plastic Pollution - Oceans sequester 50 times more CO2 than our atmosphere. In other words, their health and therefore their ability to sequester CO2 is significantly threatened by plastic pollution and agricultural runoff which then create dead zones and contribute to ocean acidification. Please visit – Blue Evolution Seaweed Farms - Seaweed is a highly effective carbon sequestration solution that also provides feedstock for non-toxic bioplastic products, fuel production, food production and other value-added applications. Please visit –