Triangle Aircraft Services - Climate Neutral Strategy

7 Sustainable Programs & Carbon Offset Projects This portfolio gives you an overview of the high-quality carbon offset projects which are certified according to international standards. This includes extensive background information on the United Nations standards and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how each project is progressing towards these goals. Carbon Sequestration Technology Sustainable Project Country Mangroves Pez Maya Mexico Rainforests/Cloud Forests RainforestPartnership Peru Cloud Forest Project Peru Oceans Innovation 4.4 - Ocean Innovation Prize for Plastic Pollution Global Microalgae Cultivation Blue Evolution Seaweed Farms USA Carbon Sequestration Technologies Introduction Mangroves – Mangroves are invaluable in controlling carbon content. As such these lush and verdant areas protect coasts against storms, enhance ecosystem health and thus livelihoods. Rainforests/Cloud Forests – Restoring Cloud forests aka high-altitude rainforests has been shown to be extremely efficient in the sequestration of carbon and when it comes to biodiversity preservation. Oceans – Our world’s oceans remove 50 times more CO2 than our atmosphere. Their health and therefore their ability to sequester carbon is significantly threatened by plastic pollution, agricultural runoff creating ‘dead zones’, and ocean acidification. Oceans are vital to the restoration of our atmosphere and environment. Microalgae Cultivation – The use of seaweed is a highly effective carbon sequestration strategy that also provides feedstock for non-toxic bioplastic production, fuel production, food production, and other value-added applications. How is Triangle Aircraft Services’ Approach Different Than Typical Offset Programs: In addition to purchasing carbon offsets, Triangle Aircraft Services has partnered with Innovation 4.4 to design a program that expands Earth’s capacity to sequester the carbon currently produced by human activity and continue to sequester carbon previously produced. There are many natural processes that sequester carbon, and some are more effective than others. Tree planting is a well-known method for increasing our carbon sequestration (absorption) capacity - yet, the efficacy of this meth- od varies greatly, depending on where that tree is planted, with minimal effects on carbon sequestration in some geographies and more notable effects in tropical regions for example. The methodology that the scientific systems effects, and economics experts at Innovation 4.4 have designed for Triangle Aviation includes the most effective carbon sequestration scalable inter- ventions per dollar spent, ensuring that the percentage of each client’s purchase is going towards creating a thriving future on a liveable planet. Lina Constantinovici, Founder and CEO of Innovation 4.4