Triangle Aircraft Services - Climate Neutral Strategy

15 Project contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) SDG 1 – No Poverty Working towards ending poverty in all forms everywhere. SDG 5 – Gender Equality Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls SDG 10 – Reducing Inequality Creation of local projects reduce inequality within and among countries SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities & Communities The Pez Maya project works towards ensuring communities are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption & Production Ensuring human settlements and communities are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and in harmony with nature. SDG 13 – Climate Action Deforestation is the second leading cause of climate change, causing further release of CO2 into our atmosphere. SDG 15 – Life On Land Promotes protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, management of forests, while stopping and reversing land degradation and halting biodiversity loss. Cloud Forest Project, Peru Creating a better future for our forests, communities, and planet will take all of us working together. We are delighted to have found a creative, forward-thinking, values-focused partner in Triangle Aircraft Services. We at Rainforest Partnership are ex- cited by their leadership in the sector and by their enthusiastic engagement with the environmental space. We know that with each new partnership like this one, we are one step closer to thriving forests and a world that supports us all. Niyanta Spelman – CEO, Rainforest Partnership