Uniac - February 2024

46 Virtual Brochure – February 2024 2. SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Timeliness of expense submission Excluded expenses Consequence of noncompliance Use of cash advances, procurement cards or traveller cards Any expenses submitted later than three months after the month in which they were incurred will be rejected by Finance. - Departmental entertaining including meals and drinks. - Costs of home Broadband / Internet even if used for business purposes. - Parking and speeding fines. - The cost of alcohol. on the grounds of gross misconduct. Institution H (Aug. 2023) Claims should be submitted within three months from the end of the month in which the expense is incurred. For Travel Advances, claims must be made within one month from return of travel. Discretion may be allowed in the case of late submission claims for staff where there are extenuating circumstances The basic rule for expenses to be reimbursable is that costs must have been wholly, exclusively and necessarily incurred in the performance of University business. This includes purchase of goods or services where these should be purchased using a purchase order / purchasing card. Where Finance and Procurement receives a claim that does not adhere to the rules, it may conduct enquiries prior to determining how to proceed with a claim. Fraudulent claims will be treated in accordance with the University’s Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy Statement and Fraud and Corruption Response Plan. Where an individual staff member incurs expenses frequently as part of their routine duties, we recommend applying for a purchasing card to facilitate payment. Where purchasing cards are used to pay for travel and subsistence then the expenditure must be processed in accordance with the Use of Purchasing Cards Procedure.