Vivid Experience - Birmingham 2024

Drinks packages: W e’vedesigned two drinkspackagesforthosewanting to enjoy inclusivedrinkson thenight. •Drinkspackage1-Includesbeers,alcopops,housew inesand softdrinks •Drinkspackage 2 -Includesbeers,alcopops,house w ines,prosecco,softdrinksplussingle m easure spirits You can onlyorderdrinkspackagesasawholepartygroup notindividualy.Thesam epackagem ustbeboughtforthewhole group.Packagescannotbem ixed. W hilstdrink packagesenable inclusive drinks,w e operate a responsible drinking policy and therefore alow up to tw o drinksat any onetim e. Drinks Vouchers: Drinksvoucherssaveyou m oney butm ustbepre-ordered from theoff iceoronline •1voucher= 1standard drink* •1voucher= 2 softdrinks* •2 vouchers= 1cocktail •3vouchers= 1glas ofMoetCham pagne *spirit& m ixer,beerorglas ofhousewine *excludesRed Buland J2O Can we add people to our party? Unles wearecom pletelysold out,we’lalwaysdo ourbestto squeezethem in! I’ve pre-ordered wine how do Icollect it on the night? Yourw ine w ilbe w aiting foryou (chiled ifsuitable)on yourtable asyou take yourseat.Anyalcoholpurchased beforeorduring theeventcannotberem oved from thevenue. Is there an age restriction? Guestsaged 16+ are w elcom e atthe venue,how everal-inclusive nightsare restricted to guestsaged 18+ only. W e operate ‘Chalenge 25’on alevenings,so you m ay be asked to presentID w hen purchasing alcohol. How do Ipay for my party booking? O urprefered m ethod ofpaym entisvia an Electronic Bank Transfer.W e also acceptchequesm ade payable to Vivid Experience Ltd and debitorcreditcards. What does the ticket price include? The ticketprice includesentry to the party,canapé reception,3-course dinner,m idnightbreakfast,spectacularentertainm ent and disco.Sm alchargesapply forthe fun casino,fairground ridesand stals. All Inclusive Nights AlInclusive party nightsinclude inclusive house w ine,beer,alcopops,cider,biterand softdrinksalnight.Itexcludesspirits, cocktails,cham pagne and fairground atractionsand fun casino,how everthese can be purchased separately on the night. How do Ireceive confirmation of payments and booking from you? Alofourcorespondenceisnow viaem ailso you receiveeverything from usin them osteff icientw ay pos ible. What is the minimum booking? Asweneverm ixgroups,wehaveam inim um booking requirem entof8 guests. CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024 FAQ’s