Vivid Experience - Birmingham 2024

25 What do Iwear? O urguestslove geting dres ed up and itrealy addsthatextra specialfeeling to the night,so get those glad ragsoutand sm arten up!Strictly no jeans,trainers,t-shirtsorsportsw ear. Absolutely no jeans(inc black jeans),t-shirts,sportstrainersorsportsw earw ilbe alow ed. Car Parking Parking isfreeofcharge.Onceon sitefolow signsfor‘Xm asPartyW orld’.Therearealargenum berofcar parking spacesavailable w ithin a shortw alk ofHal1.Carscan be leftovernightatthe ow nersrisk. How does the Fun Casino work? £5wilbuyyou£10 offunm oneyforyouto gam bleonRouleteand Blackjack. Casino vouchersareavailableto bepurchased priorto theeventand on thenight. Alprof itsare donated to ourchosen charity,The NSPCC How will our group be seated? O urround tablesseatbetw een 8-12 people.Largernum bersare splitovertableslocated directly nextto each other.You w il onlyeverbeseated withpeopleinyourparty,wedo notm ixgroups. Dueto theam ountofchangeswereceivefrom custom ers,tableplansarenotcom pleted untilthedayofthe partyand thereforeweareunableto provideguestswith tablenum berspriorto theevent. Is there a cash bar on the night? W ewilbeoperating cashles bars.You wilbeableto m akepaym entsfasterbyusing yoursm artphoneorbycontactles card. Therewilbeno cash tilson site. Ihave a food allergy -do Ineed to tell you? That’snotaproblem -pleaseinform am em berofourEventsteam when placing yourm enu choices. W ehold fulalergen inform ation in theoff icew hich can besentto you upon requestand ourm enu can beadapted accordingly. W hen w ill Ireceive my tickets? As um ing w ehavereceived yourf inalbalancepaym entand yourguestlisthasbeen com pleted along w ith yourm enu choices,yourticketsw ilbe sentoutvia em ailaround 2 w eeksbefore yourparty.Ticketsw il need to be presented to security on the night. When is the latest Ican send my menu over? M enu choicesforeverym em berofyourpartym ustbesubm ited no laterthan 3 weeksbeforetheeventasweareunableto is uee-ticketswithoutthissubm ited. What happens if my number of guests fall below the minimum number? W ewould requirefulpaym entforthem inim um requirem ent. Can we do a table plan for our party? Yesofcourse,weseatpartiesin groups,butyou arewelcom eto com eand add yourown nam eplacesto thetableon the night. Is there a cloakroom? Therewilbeafuly stafed cloakroom foralgueststo leavebelongingsfreeofcharge.Pleasenotewe cannotbeheld responsibleforanylos ordam ageto item sleftin thecloakroom . Can each member of our party pay separately? Unfortunatelynot-paym entisonlyaccepted from thepartyorganiser-m ultiplecheques/paym entswil notbeaccepted. THE NEC BIRMINGHAM