Vivid Experience - Birmingham 2024

‘Thecold winter’snightisleftbehind asyou step into thewarm th and arehitbya w aveofglam orousenergy.You m akeyourw ay tow ardstheBroadw ay ticketoff ice and towardsthebrightlightsofNEW YORK,NEW YORK… Theiconicskylineand theEm pireStateBuilding towersoverhead am ongsta sparkling seaofm irorbals.TheM anhatan barsservean as ortm entofdrinks- from chiled beersto crisp gin and tonics.W hile profes ionalm ixologistsdesign iconiccocktails-M anhatansand New YorkSoursarethetoastoftheevening! Asyou take yourseatfora tasty three-course feast,the stage burstsinto life w ith exhilarating entertainm entfeaturing w orld-clas aerialentertainersand profes ional dancetroops.Asthelastspoonfulofdes ertisdevoured,thelightscutto an explosion oflightand sound on them ain stagem arking thebeginning ofadazzling finale. Afterdinner,fairground ridesw hirlinto action,the fun casino opensitstablesand fairground stalscom e to life.The profes ionalphotographercapturesm em oriesfor groupsoffriendsand the360 cam eraspinsinto action.W hilstsom eguestsenjoy fresh cofee,chocolatesand a m idnightbreakfastrolin a quieterarea,the dancef loorbeckonsforthose w hose nightisstilyoung!’ From the bright lights of Broadway to the fun and fast-paced times square TheParty: New YorkNights 9 THE NEC BIRMINGHAM