WE ARE ALWAYS ON HAND TO HELP! CALL US ON 01455 557 829. Aswelasofering m ixed partiesforgroupsof8 upwards,Christm asPartyW orld Farnborough Internationalisavailable forexclusive hire.During Decem berthe venue hasa high specif ication of lighting,sound,staging and them ing instaled,ofering greatcostsavings.The venue can be tailored to accom m odate a variety ofeventstyles. Form ore inform ation on exclusive hire,please em ailadm in@ vividexperience.co.uk HIRING THE VENUE EXCLUSIVELY £15.00 (incVAT)perperson non-refundable& non-transferabledepositplusaoneof booking feeof£4.50 (pergroup).Ifbooking les than 8 weekspriorto theparty-FULL paym entisrequired. InternetBanking paym entsprefered -Please use yourAccountNo (FB* )asreference. Bankdetailsforpaym ents:Vivid ExperienceLtd,RevolutLtd.Sortcode:04-29-09 AccNo:10690727 Chequesm adepayableto ‘Vivid ExperienceLtd’.OneChequeonlyperbooking please. Fulterm sand conditionsareonpage26. BOOKING INFO 1 Book online atfarnboroughchristm asparties.co.uk and reserve ticketsfor10 days w ith no f inancialcom m itm ent. 2 W ithin10 dayspayyour£15perpersondepositand £4.50 booking fee(pergroup). 3 8 weekspriorto yourpartypayyourbalance,chooseyourm enu and pre-ordeyourwine. HOW TO MAKE A BOOKING BookingYour Tickets FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL