Vivid Experience - Leicester 2024

Athena Events Ltd – Terms of Conditions 1.Booking Terms & Payments a.Bookingscanonlybeconf irm ed onreceiptofthedeposit(of£15perperson)and aoneof booking feeof£4.50 perbooking. b.If,in the f irstinstance,you would preferto m ake atelephone enquiry,aprovisionalbooking can be held foram axim um of10 days c.Should the depositand booking fee notbe received within 10 days,the booking wilautom aticalybe released. d.Depositpaym entservesasconf irm ation thatthese Term s& Conditionshave been read and thatthe party contracting w ith Athena (hereinafter‘you’)and alguestsagree to abide bythese term sand conditions. e.Depositsand booking feesare non-refundable in anyeventand paym entsdue can onlybe accepted from you. f.1f inalbalance paym entisrequired 8 weekspriorto the event.Bookingsm ade les than 8 weekspriorwilrequire fulpaym entwithin the earlierof10 daysfrom booking ortwo w eeksbefore the event. g.Non-paym entofthe f inalbalance by the due date wilrenderthe contractvoid. h.A VAT invoice wilbe is ued when paym enthasbeen received.A proform ainvoice m aybe is ued priorto receiptofpaym ent. i.The totalam ountdue on each invoice m ustbe setled with asingle paym ent.M ultiple paym entsare notaccepted. j.Debit/creditcard paym ents,bank transferorcheque paym entsare free ofcharge. k.Athena alow s16’sand overinto the venue.How ever,guestsm ustbe 18 oroverto atend the ‘alinclusive’evenings. 2.Booking Changes a.Booking changesare only acceptable w hen received from you. b.Placesm ay be realocated should a party size drop. c.Ifyourbooking dropsbelow the m inim um requirem entof8,you wilstilbe required to m ake fulpaym entfor8 guests. d.Ticketsthathave previously been canceled can only be reinstated subjectto availabilty and w ilrequire fulpaym ent. e.Athenawilendeavourto accom m odate m enu ordetailchangesbutwilnotbe held responsible forfailure ofanychangesiftheywere com m unicated les than 2 weeksbefore the eventdate. f.Athenaregretsthatchangesto bookings,m enu choicesorwine orderscannotbe m ade on the dayofthe event. 3.Refunds and Cancellations a.W hole booking cancelationscan only be m ade by you and m ustbe m ade in writing to leicester@ otheraddres thatAthenanotif iesto you in writing. Cancelationsoverthe telephone cannotbe accepted. b.Depositsare non-refundable and non-transferable and cannotbe used foranyothergoodsorservicesprovided byAthena(including butnotlim ited to the balance paym entor drinksorders) c.Refundsofthe balance paym entwilbe calculated asfolows i.Refund 100% les deposit,ifcanceled m ore than 56 dayspriorto youreventdate. i.Refund 75% les deposit,ifcanceled m ore than 28 daysbutles than 56 dayspriorto youreventdate. i.Refund 50% les deposit,ifcanceled m ore than 14 daysbutles than 28 dayspriorto youreventdate. iv.No refund,ifcanceled 14 daysorles priorto youreventdate. d.Refundswilbe paid byAthenaassoon asreasonablypos ible within 21daysafterreceiving refund detailsfrom you. e.Refunded m onieswilbe returned viathe originalm ethod ofpaym ent. f.Should we be forced to canceloureventsdue to Governm entrestrictionssurounding Covid-19,fulticketrefundswilbe is ued.Outside ofthis,ourstandard term sand conditions apply. 4.Tickets & Table Plans a.You wilbe notif ied viaem ailwhen ticketshave been sentby Athena2 to 3 weekspriorto the eventdate. b.Due to on-going changesin conf igurations,tableswilnotbe alocated untilthe day ofthe event. c.Should individualplace setingsbe required,you wilbe able to provide these during the Pre-dinnerReception,provided thatthisisagreed in advance with am em berofthe Athena staf. 5.Menu Pre-orders a.There isa setm enu forthisevent,w ith a vegetarian alternative.Athena w ilendeavourto accom m odate any specialdietary requirem entsifrequested in advance,alergen inform ation isheld on aldishesand isavailable on request.Athenam ustbe notif ied ofany dietary requirem entsno laterthan 2 weeksbefore the eventto the contactem ailaddres published on Athena’sw ebsite and in itsbrochure forthe applicable event. b.M enu choicesm ustbe received no laterthan 14 dayspriorto yourparty date. c.Athenawilendeavourto accom m odate m enu changesbutwilnotbe held responsible forfailure ofanychangesiftheywere com m unicated les than 2 weeksbefore the event date. d.Ifm enu optionsare notm ade before the eventthe standard Christm asm enu wilbe served. e.Athena reservesthe rightto m ake changesto the advertised m enu in the eventofshortagesin the supply ofparticularitem sbutundertakesthata three-course m ealw ilbe served. f.W here a party booking isform ore than 1table,please note that,once the guestsare seated,the w aiting staf w ilcheck atw hich table the guest(s)w ith specialdietary requirem ents are siting in orderto as istw ith service. 6.Beverages a.Any pre-ordered beverages,drinksvouchersordrinkspackagesm ustbe paid forin advance. b.Any drinksvoucherspurchased are non-refundable afterthe event,cannotbe exchanged forcash on the evening and are only valid forthe yearasstated on the drinksvouchers. c.No drinksare included in the ticketprice exceptw here stated. d.Pre-ordered drinkspackagescan only be purchased ifthe sam e package ispurchased foreach and every guestin the party.Athena regretsitisunable to m ake conces ionsfor guestswho do notrequire the drinkspackage foranyreason whatsoever. e.Atthe event,anyqueriesregarding abeverage orderm ustbe m ade with am em berofstaf atthe tim e.W e advise thatyou take yourbeverage invoice to the eventasproofof purchase.Anyis uesnotraised during the evening cannotbe dealtwith postevent. f.Guestsm ay not,underany circum stances,bring theirow n drinks. g.Athena’slicense conditionsdo notperm itbeveragesto be rem oved from the venue. h.Asw e prom ote responsible drinking,lim itationsare putin place foralalcoholbeverages. 7.M iscellaneous a.Pricesshown within the brochure include VAT atthe rate of20% and are subjectto change should the VAT rate change. b.Athena reservesthe rightto refuse adm is ion,and to rem ove from the function any person,w hose condition in the opinion ofthe staf atthe venue interferes,orislikely to interfere w ith,the enjoym entofthe function by otherparticipants.Thisincludesnon-com pliance w ith the dres code stated in the brochure,on ourw ebsite and on tickets.In these circum - stances,no refundswilbe ofered.Dres code exceptionswilbe m ade foranyguestswith adisabiltyorm edicalcondition. c.Athena doesnotacceptany responsibilty in respectofany person prevented from entering the function,orasked to leave due to theirconductand in these circum stancesno refundswilbeofered. d.Athenawiltake everycare to honourcom m itm ents-butreservesthe rightto am end oralteralorpartofthe program m e ofthe partiesand regretthattheywilnotacceptliabilty forerors,changes,om is ionsorcancelations. e.Athenadoesnotacceptanyliabilty& shalnotbe liable fornon-com pletion ofthe event,orforanydelaysarising asaresultsofstrikes,riotsorlockoutsafecting the ownerofthe eventvenue orany third party suppliersto Athenaand/orthe event,adverse weatherconditions,los ,dam age orcancelation due to f ire,f lood,orany othercause beyond Athena’s reasonable control. f.Although carparking areasare patroled 24hrsadayAthenadoesnotacceptresponsibiltyforlos ordam age to yourvehicle whilston itsprem ises. g.Datesand tim ingsadvertised are subjectto licensing approvaland a suff icientlevelofticketsalesin the sole opinion ofAthena. h.Picturesused in thisbrochure are from pasteventsm anaged by Athena -exactthem e sets,costum esand entertainm entvary from venue to venue and from yearto year. i.Itm ustbe appreciated thatAthena isrequired to book and pay forlabour,entertainm entand certain food item sin advance. j.Nothing in these term slim itsorexcludesAthena’sliabilty fordeath orpersonalinjury caused by itsnegligence,fraud orfraudulentm isrepresentation,orany otherliabilty w hich cannotbe lim ited orexcluded byapplicable law. k.Subjectto sub-paragraph (j)above,Athenashalhave no liabilty to you,whetherin contractortortorotherwise,forany los ofprof itorofgoodwil,orany los ordam age which is indirectorconsequentialorw hich doesnotarise asa directresultand naturalresultofa breach ofitscontractw ith you orw hich isnota reasonably foreseeable consequence ofsuch a breach and Vivid’saggregate liabilty to you,w hetherin contract,tort(including negligence),forbreach ofstatutory duty,orotherw ise,arising underorin connection w ith the provision ofitscontractwith you shalbe lim ited to the am ountofthe price paid byyou to Athenaunderyourcontractwith Vivid forthe relevantevent. l.These term sand conditionsare governed by English law and in the unlikely eventofa dispute,the partiesshalsubm itto the exclusive jurisdiction ofthe English courts.