Vivid Experience - Leicester 2024

Asyou m ingleoutsidetheentrance,awarm inviting glow ofersateasing glim pseof w hatliesw ithin.O nce inside,the vista ism esm erising.Sparkling goldsand dancing beam soflightw hirloverhead,highlighting theparty scenein fulf low .Thevenue exudesclas and elegance,togetherw ith a high-spirited,vivaciousatm osphere. Asyou m akeyourway to them ain barwherefriendsand fam ilywait,you recognise upbeattunesofwel-known clas icsand funkybeatsofm odern partytunesas carefree conversation buzzesaround.Profes ionalm ixologistsm ix iconic drinksin the cocktailbar,w hile the m ain barsofertraditionalbeers,spirits,crisp w ines,and deliciouscanapésareofered around theroom foryou to sam ple. Asyou takeyourseatfordinner,thefocusm ovesto thestageastheevening’s entertainm entgatherspace.Hand-picked w orld-clas circusentertainersperform the im pos iblew ith daring poiseand graceto abackdrop off ire.Asthelastspoonfulof des ertisdevoured,thelightscutto an explosion oflightand sound m arking the beginning ofaspectacularf inale. After-dinnerentertainm entisplentifulasthe fun casino opens,fairground stalscom e to life,and the 360 cam era spinsinto action.W hilstsom e guestsenjoy fresh cofee, chocolatesand am idnightbreakfastrolundertw inkling lights,thedancef loor beckonsforthosewhosenightisstilyoung! A spectacular journey through the night TheParty: Stargazer 9 ATHENA,LEICESTER