Vivid Experience - Manchester 2024

‘Asyou m ingleoutsidetheentrance,awarm inviting glow ofersateasing glim pseof w hatliesw ithin.O nce inside,the vista ism ind-blow ing –w ith the party scene nestled betw een shim m ering m ountainsand snow y Christm astrees.Cosy log cabin bars serve traditionalbeers,spiritsand crisp w inesto guestsindulging in the aprèsski scene. Sparkling goldsand dancing beam soflightwhirloverhead,highlighting theparty scene in fulf low .Profes ionalm ixologistsm ixand m ingle iconicdrinksatthe cocktail bar,and deliciouscanapésareofered around theroom . Asyou take yourseatfora tasty festive dinner,the focusm ovesto the m ain stage. Hand-picked w orld-clas circusentertainersperform the im pos ible w ith daring poiseand graceto abackdrop off lam esand m esm erising lighting.Asthelast spoonfulofdes ertisdevoured,thelightscutto an explosion oflightand sound m arking the beginning ofadazzling f inale. Afterdinner,fairground ridesw hirlinto action,the fun casino opensitstablesand fairground stalscom e to life.The 360 cam era spinsinto action capturing m em ories forgroupsoffriends.W hilstsom e guestsenjoy fresh cofee,chocolatesand a m idnightbreakfastrolunderthe tw inkling lightsand inspiring scenery,the dancef loorbeckonsforthose w hose nightisstilyoung! An enchanting journey through the shimmering mountains of Aspen TheParty: AspenRocks! 9 MANCHESTER CENTRAL