WDAD Communications - The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today

The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today 16 We then probed our audience further around the key metrics they tend to extract from their Employer Branding activity in order to gauge its success or otherwise. Consistent with the previous question, the range and volume of parameters chosen by our group was very wide. With the possible exception of quality of applications and engagement scores, answers ranged widely. Clearly, different organisations (and industries) will have their own set of priorities, but what is clear is the absence of common criteria by which practitioners are able to judge their efforts. Even using a metric such as quality of applications can feel subjective, open to interpretation and at the potential mercy of hiring managers. Again, the 18% who reported that their organisation does not extract metrics from its EVP and Employer Branding efforts feels both telling, as well as being a missed opportunity. What are the most important metrics that you can extract from your Employer Branding initiatives? 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Other (please specify) We don't currently extract metrics from our EVP and EB initiatives Our engagement scores Pulse survey scores from new joiners Glassdoor score Proportion of applicants we lose during the application process Organisational activity Our external profile Winning awards Our referral numbers Our retention figures Quality of applications D&I metrics Number of applications Cost per hire Candidate survey