WDAD Communications - The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today

The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today 20 If much about our survey felt positive and optimistic, we also asked our survey audience about potential bumps in the road. What sorts of issues were likely to impact their efforts in this space? Again, the answers to this question raised some all too regular themes. Issues such as insufficient investment in the function, a lack of resources within the relevant team and insufficient buy-in from above all touch on similar challenges. Making the case for an appropriate investment in EVP and Employer Branding has long dogged the profession. There is the sense that this touches on the absence of common parameters and KPIs with which to judge how such initiatives are working. Armed with harder facts and metrics, then the case to senior managers potentially becomes one easier to make. What doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get managed, in the words of Mr Drucker. “Investment and resource remain two top priorities for organisations when it comes to employer branding, but we are starting to see a shift – it is becoming more and more pivotal for businesses as a fundamental. The missing link is having a data set that reflects and promotes its value - which in turn helps those future conversations around investment into it.” CLAIRE DE SOUZA What is the biggest challenge your Employer Brand faces over the next 12 months? Insu cient investment Insu cient buy-in from senior leaders Economic challenges We don't have the resources within our team The pressure of our competitors Having a consistent message across our organisation 21% 8% 11% 24% 10% 26%