WDAD Communications - The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today

The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today 21 To what extent would you agree with the following statement? Our inability to produce Employer Branding metrics which influence senior leadership inhibits the progress of our function. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Completely agree This point was emphasised through answers to the following question around an absence of relevant metrics and the resulting inability to influence senior leadership. Just 25% of our survey disagree with this sentiment. This leaves an awfully large percentage of participants and organisations who are not able to influence those people who are making budgetary decisions as to why EVP and Employer Branding require further investment. Engagement and effective dialogue with such key stakeholders in order to create a clearer understanding about what is important – and it would be unlikely if finances were not a key part of this – organisationally and specifically at C-Suite level is critical. EVP and EB has to be capable of making a business case and being seen to make sure a case. Similarly to 2021, some 26% of our survey see an absence of a consistent message across the organisation as being their key challenge over the next year. This feels worthy of additional probing. Perhaps it relates to those organisations whose EVP is either being currently worked on or whose EVP is years old, however, one of the key functions of an EVP should be exactly that – the source material, content, DNA and stories of a consistent message. We could, too, draw the conclusion that this consistency is absent in different locations, cultures, geographies and languages. Often one of the key missteps in constructing an EVP is to approach this in either a top-down or head office/centralised approach. If your people across your organisation, regardless of function and location, do not feel they have contributed to the EVP, it can feel a distant concept. There is a consequent lack of belonging, ownership and advocacy across the whole organisation.