WDAD Communications - The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today

The Employer Branding and EVP landscape today 3 Key out-takes - T omorrow’s EVPs solutions need to be done at pace and with agility – the speed of change around us now demands this. Take too long and your EVP points backwards rather than forwards; - Y our EVP does not exist in a vacuum, but too few organisations benchmark effectively and objectively against the competition – and when we do, there’s a temptation to be too positive; - J ust 7% of our survey felt their EVP was where they wanted it to be – there’s always work to be done; - T here is a clear drive for EVP to have more of an internal presence and influence – its communications are sharing more and more DNA with consumer communications. And EVP professionals and those responsible for delivering internal comms have more and more in common; - T here remains a struggle to create positive impact with senior leadership, largely down to an inability to produce and present meaningful metrics to this audience; - E D&I is seen as far less of a focus for EVP/EB spend looking at the next 12 months – is this a concern or is it now successfully established as a key element of EVP and EB?; - D ifferentiation across Employer Branding remains a challenge for the majority of in-house professionals – their work is struggling to cut through and stand out; - L ess than half of our study feel their EVP/EB is ready should we see the labour market become more competitive; - O ne of the key challenges employers face is achieving an optimum balance between consistency and flexibility. Equal numbers have issues about a lack of consistency across their organisation, and those who feel pressured into using solutions suitable for markets other than their own; - G iven what has happened to employee bases over the last four years, organisations want to project more empathy within their EVP/EB; - G enerating employee stories and doing so at pace remain challenges for organisations – and is the source for a real internal training need;